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Incorrect keyboard layout with Leopard Server as a guest


I succeeded in creating a VM of a Leopard Server using Fusion 2 (RTM). Unfortunately, the keyboard layout as shown by the guest is the ANSI version (either using US or French keyboard), not the ISO version (the difference is an additional key at the left of the Z in standard QWERTY keyboard layout).

I tried using Ukelele to modify the keyboard layout but without success (I can modify it but cannot persist the changes - in other words, when reloading the keyboard layout, it reverts to the ANSI version).

I knew there was issues with Windows as a guest on Fusion and that could be circumvent with tools from Microsoft. I'd like to know if anyone has succeeded with Leopard. Thanks for your reply.

For your information, the problem occurs on an iMac and a Mac Book Pro, even with an additional external keyboard.

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4 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee


Can you send a picture of the keyboard that do not work, so I can precisely see its layout?

The general problem is that non-US Mac keyboards have a different layout that non-US PC keyboards (maybe that is what you call ANSI vs ISO, I'm not sure), and it affects french keyboards in particular.

So if you use a non-US PC keyboard on your Mac, Windows VMs are confused, and if you use a non-US Mac keyboard on your Mac, Mac OS VMs are confused.

We are thinking about how to best address these differences in future revisions of Fusion.

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Thank you for your reply. To be more precise, the difference between ANSI keyboard and ISO keyboard is that the latter is dedicated to non US. But you can have a US keyboard with ISO layout, which is sometimes called "international English keyboard". As an example, if you have a ANSI US keyboard, the key to the left of the Z key is the Shift. But with ISO US keyboard, the key to the left of the Z is not the Shift (which key it is depends, on a Mac keyboard it is `/~)

Please find attached the picture of an Apple Aluminium International English keyboard (as got from the Apple Store website), and a picture that is combining the layout of the Apple Aluminium French keyboard and the Mac Book Pro French keyboard.

I understand Windows VMs are confused with a non PC keyboard (I had this problem since VMWare Fusion 1.x). But now it's me who is confused ! I would expect that a Leopard VM running on a Leopard host, using an Apple keyboard would not have the same issue ! Actually, whichever of the 3 Mac keyboards I have (Mac Book Pro, Apple aluminium French and English) is connected, the Leopard VM acts as if it is a PC keyboard.

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I have a similar problem but with an italian keyboard.

In the attached images you can see that the vm keyboard has a < key instead of a \ ( backslash ) key ( \ ( backslah ) and | ( pipe ) keys are completely missed )

Hope someone could give me a good hint!

PS: In the meantime I'm trying Fusion 3.0. I will let you know if the problem will be solved with a fresh install.

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Similar problem with a Windows guest on a Linux host using Workstation 8. It seems VMWare has big issues with (at least) non US keyboards on (at least) non Windows guests and/or hosts. We should remind them that Life is not reduced to US and Windows !

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