VMware Communities

Installing for Windows XP

This is a really basic question, but my computer knowledge is VERY limited. Preparing to install Fusion. Very recently moved from an old Gateway(9? yrs old) pc to MAC. Want to use Windows XP. I have the XP upgrade disc but not the original Windows disc. Not even sure what version it was. I am pretty sure it came installed on the Gateway. Can I set up XP with the upgrade disc I have? Thanks

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3 Replies

I would suspect not. Typically the update CDs expect an existing Windows install that it can update and won't let you do a full install from the disk. There may be ways around it (anyone else know a way around it), but your best bet would be to grab a new copy of XP.

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thanks, I suspected as much.

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There are ways around it, but in all honesty, it would not be worth your time. You will be MUCH better off picking up another copy of XP.

The reason is that your original disc is, as the previous poster noted, designed for the other machine. This will include drivers, and an automatic setup process that is not compatable with your mac. A stardard XP install disc is the route you want to go.I am experienced with computers, and I would not try to use a Gateway xp-install disc! Smiley Happy

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