VMware Communities

Is there a license system problem? I can't get my existing fusion license to take (so therefore I can't buy V3)


Is there a license system problem? I can't get my existing fusion license to take (so therefore I can't buy V3)

I can seemingly register my existing version (whilst I'm on the latest V2 version of fusion the actual license key I got via email months ago says v1), however when I try to buy v3 it doesn't seem to find it. When I go manage licenses it doesn't either, also some time I seem to get timeouts. I did wait 30 minutes and try again but still no luck. Just lots of people on the system????

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128 Replies

<span class="jive-thread-reply-body-container">"So we're all agreed we're going to Parallels unless they give us an upgrade discount right?"

Actually, I just downloaded and installed Suns' VirtualBox. Did you know its already 64bit compatible ? I certainly didn't know that. It works really fast as well. I'm actually pretty darn impressed. But, it doesn't boot a virtual machine off the boot-camp partition (whatever use that is anymore).

I decided to wait at least until the end of the week before making my decision to purchase the upgrade. I don't feel comfortable putting in my credit card information into a system that has had this many issues already just for a $40 purchase. I'd rather wait and see.

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Sorry you are having problems purchasing the VMware Fusion 3 upgrade.

While we have sold thousands of upgrades already today and many people are not having issues, we have an emergency team that is currently looking into the issues people are seeing with regards to registering a previous product and slowness of the system overall.

We are taking these issues seriously and a number of issues with serial number matching have been addressed and now we are looking into the performance issues.

Sorry for the problems and we are doing everything we can get VMware Fusion 3 as soon as we can.

I will come back later with an update on where the store stands.




Pat Lee

Director, Personal Desktop Products


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From the Parallels website FAQ:

I am currently using another virtualization product such as VMware. Is there something available for users like me? - Customers who have purchased third-party virtualization software for the Mac can take advantage of a special offer that Parallels is making available for competitive product replacement. Check with your local Parallels reseller, your Parallels representative or online at www.parallels.com/products/desktop/.

I think that means we'd be elligible for the $50 upgrade price for Parallels. Anyone have an opinion on how they compare?

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I've been using VirtualBox for a couple of months now, watiing for VMware to catch up to the 64-bit game. It runs pretty well, but is missing some key features that Fusion and Parallels have, or do much better. I was hoping to get back to VMware today, but at 2:30 EDT, it's not looking good.

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Do you send a mail to vihotline to ask for you license problem?

Ing. Diego Quintana - VMware Communities Moderator - Co Founder & CEO at Wetcom Group - vEXPERT From 2010 to 2020- VCP, VSP, VTSP, VAC - Twitter: @daquintana - Blog: http://www.wetcom.com-blog & http://www.diegoquintana.net - Enjoy the vmware communities !!!

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I too am having issues with it not showing my licenses, but geez, we've waited a while for Fusion 3, so I'm sure willing to wait a little longer for them to get this resolved.

Yes, it's cool to be the first to see something, but I'll get over it.

I'll actually have Fusion 3 long before I'll have my 27" Quad-Core IMac..

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Pat thank you for your post and attempting to keep us informed, but....

whatever you are doing... things are getting worse.

While, previously, I couldn't get the system to recognize that I have a valid V2 license and I am elligible for V3 upgrade...

NOW I just get the attached error screen.

So, if you get this fixed... Just imagine how many more thousands of V3 you will sell.

Having been thru todays frustration... I will have to rethink whether I want to upgrade after all.

It doesn't bode well for what problems are ahead if I upgrade to V3.

Loyal Customer (up til now)


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Still no luck, and now I'm seeing about the 5th different error message of the day. I have given nearly 5 hours to attempting to purchase an upgrade.

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I'm having this problem too. It is VERY frustrating. However, I own both Parallels 4 and Fusion 2 (and I'm not affiliated with either company), and while I don't blame everybody for being angry, I would like to strongly encourage you NOT to jump ship.

For those of you who don't follow Parallels' discussion boards, their version 3 caused problems for some people already, and version 4 was an unmitigated disaster. The program didn't operate at all for almost everybody who upgraded from a previous version, and although they claim to offer a 30-day money back guarantee, I asked for my money back within the 30 days and was denied. Their boards were flooded with many pages of threads, each with several posts, all full of complaints. Even when they finally got an update out, many people still had problems, and getting help with troubleshooting Parallels is much harder than getting help with VMWare.

Yes, VMWare messed something up badly in the upgrade process this time. But at least they messed up BEFORE they took your money instead of after (like Parallels). While I admit that Parallels 4, when it's working, runs faster than VMWare 2, overall Parallels has so many problems that the discussion board is no longer linked from the main product page - it's rumored that it was cut off intentionally because user comments have gotten so negative. VMWare is obviously TRYING to fix the problem, while Parallels' attempts to seem anything other than apathetic were less than convincing.

The debacle with Parallels version 4 made me decide that I do not plan to spend any additional money on Parallels ever again. The upgrade glitch on VMWare is annoying, but it is certainly nowhere near the hassles that Parallels users experience, and it hasn't changed my decision.

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Someone please teach these guys in India some HTML.

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Thanks SegNerd2, that's interesting to hear. I have heard about Parallels 4 from many people, but haven't heard about their upgrade woes or those that are having difficulty with v4. My personal experience with VMware (before today) has been very positive, both personally with this product, and professionally with the 150+ VMware ESX hosts that we run.

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<span class="jive-thread-reply-body-container">While we have sold thousands of upgrades already today and many people are not having issues

Really? That's interesting. Because we are all having the EXACT same problem.

Also, why do you think we want to hear that all of these alleged people are not having issues? That's just wonderful news. For you. I guess.

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I just received a license key (eval) from VMWare without calling and asking for one. Must have sent to me because I posted. Definitely a good move and it is very much appreciated!

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I am having the same problem and getting the same screen when i try to upgrade from the academic store.

I have been trying this since 1am EDT and now it is 330pm EDT, when will this be fixed?

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I have already wasted 4 hours of my precious time. I don't think this is going to be fixed anytime soon. I hope tomorrow I wake up (alive) and things are working.

0 Kudos

Should I stop trying to upgrade today? I've been watching these forums for some 9 hours or so today and have been experiencing all of the issues that have been reported in this thread. I just tried again and my issue seems to be back to the following:

Our records indicate that you have no eligible registered products to upgrade. To complete your upgrade order, please register a compatible product.

I've entered in my registration info from the v2 CD some 4-5 times today and obviously still a no go. Am I simply compounding my own problem by attempting to re-register my product multiple times?

I don't mind being patient and certainly don't want to compound any existing issues. I just want someone to take my money. Its burning a hole in my pocket! Smiley Wink

Take care,

Todd B.

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+1 on this problem. My sincere hope is that it really is a web server problem and not some change-of-heart on the upgrade policy!

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Can't get an evaluation key either... been trying periodically all day. Forget trying to actually purchase the upgrade. I get different errors every time.

The error messages smell like over-engineered n-tier systems-on-top-of-systems enterprise web application with proxies on top of proxies to serve proxies to application servers for enterprise whatever... I wonder how many machines are involved in a single web request... 😛

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That is not correct... many of us have our credit cards charged and have not received the 3.0 upgrade. Those corporate-speak message trying to minimize the issue and to ensure that licensing issues are fixed and only site performance is left are not accurate.

FTC and WA AG are getting my complain today by EOD

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Someone should post a trial key. If I were in charge over there, I would post a trial key.

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