VMware Communities

Is there a license system problem? I can't get my existing fusion license to take (so therefore I can't buy V3)


Is there a license system problem? I can't get my existing fusion license to take (so therefore I can't buy V3)

I can seemingly register my existing version (whilst I'm on the latest V2 version of fusion the actual license key I got via email months ago says v1), however when I try to buy v3 it doesn't seem to find it. When I go manage licenses it doesn't either, also some time I seem to get timeouts. I did wait 30 minutes and try again but still no luck. Just lots of people on the system????

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128 Replies

i've just the same problem. Owned my license about five months. But i don't like to give so many companies personal data - for products i paid for.

So i wait until i also get something worth for my data (the upgrade).

I've same problems as others here.

Errors etc.

About an hour ago i get a little step further:

After starting fusion and use the "Product Registration" Option in the Menu - i successful register the Fusion2. The website tells me.

But the onlineStore don't "see" the License - so still no upgrade.

I'll think i wait until the dusk settled.

I'll hope the next days vmware shows a more professional face

Smiley Sad

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Check the VMWareFusion twitter feed:



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Hey VMware dudes....why not post a 30 day eval license here while you sort out this fiasco? Would probably calm things down considerably!

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Thanks! I'll be returning to buy in a few days when the system is fixed. Smiley Happy

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The error messages smell like over-engineered n-tier systems-on-top-of-systems enterprise web application with proxies on top of proxies to serve proxies to application servers for enterprise whatever... I wonder how many machines are involved in a single web request... 😛

now that's huckin filarious. Smiley Happy

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thanks for the trial code, hanzov69. worked for me. for now.

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i'll wait with the upgrade until i've own a permanent license. If vmware don't like to sell me one - i continue using 2.06 and save the 40 bucks.

No time to going around later and find out how i can downgrade if Fusion3 sucks/i can get no upgrade lic..

a second time pay for a full license is no option for me.

Problems can occure everywhere. The difference is shown in the way they manage it.

I'm pretty happy with fusion 2 - beside a little printing problem with SL.

So i'll wait some days..

Hope dies last Smiley Wink

0 Kudos

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I want to apologize immensely to those of you who are anxious to get the product immediately and are running into issues. I want to reassure you that we are working on this urgently and expect to be back in action soon.

In the mean time, I want to get you up and running with VMware Fusion 3 while we resolve the issues many of you are encountering.

1) Download the 30-day trial software

2) If you don't get a key, use the following 30 trial license key to get you up and running: JN28P-7UJ8M-H8K33-0202P-9EPH4

I hope this helps you out while we get our VMWare Fusion upgrade portal back in play.

Stay tuned to the Team Fusion blog and Twitter feed for the latest updates.

Thanks for your patience and ongoing support.

Pat Lee

Director, Personal Desktop Products


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To Pat, Director of Desktop Products

Your system wasn't tested for this upgrade rollout. Don't you have a separate setup to test things? How could this slip through?

Also, it was reported here by someone at VMWare that the problem was fixed, but users found that the errors still existed. How can you implement a fix and not test it before you tell users that it's fixed?

As Director of Desktop Products, I hope you are asking the IT or whoever manages the website ordering process. This is a serious matter. You can lose customers, and your reputation can be tarnished, just because some well paid IT people didn't do their jobs.

I recommend finding out who is responsible, making sure this doesn't happen again, and maybe shifting people around and letting some people go. Something like this shouldn't happen in the first place, and it shouldn't take this long for a resolution.

During the time that the problem with upgrades didn't work, you should have put up a web page saying there is a problem and you are making it a high priority. Instead, you let probably hundreds of users encounter error messages. Ask your IT person why -- why not put up a page saying the ordering system is delayed, with an apology, AND when the problem has been FIXED and TESTED on your test system, then implement it.

In the companies that I worked for this would be totally unacceptable and staff would be adjusted.

0 Kudos

I was not aware there were some people who had their cards charged... the most common problem, and the one I am having, prevents you from even getting the upgrade into your cart, so you can't get to check out at all.

I would agree that for people in that situation, it is an even more serious problem... still, I'm getting a definite "vibe" that VMWare people actually care about fixing this, and I can't say the same for Parallels.

0 Kudos


I know it's not the subject of this thread, but it would be nice to post an evaluation license key for Workstation 7.

thank you,


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Totally agree, this is unacceptable.

The persons responsible should be fired!

A web page should be put in place IMMEDIATELY and only removed once the issues have been fully tested and proven to work under 'extreme' load conditions.

The web page should say something along the lines of;

Very sorry we f...d up and we are removing the ability to update immediately. You can have a preview licence for 30 days ... and we will make the update page available when fixed.

We will also e-mail all current registered users to inform them that issue is fixed.

The persons responsible are - and they work for - in the following countries.

0 Kudos

Hi Pat,

FYI - Re "Stay tuned to the Team Fusion blog and Twitter feed for the latest updates" ==> Last twitter update I saw (I use tweetdeck on iphone) was 11 hours ago before this issue was reported/started....

Hope this assists...

PS. You should at least have an interesting Post Implementation Review meeting this week/next week looking for lessons learnt.

PSS. Look after your dev team. They still need to get some sleep at times for their own health...

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I suspect this is not a DEV team problem but a release/distribution issue.

The Dev team have actually done a very good job, it is a shame that all components are not fully 64 bit capable but the important parts are.

It is a shame that the delivery of product is never taken as seriously as the development to requirements, happens all the time - no problem it will be ok on the day syndrome!!

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3:06 pm PDT: Still no go .

They only expected 20-25 people to upgrade.

Thousands are trying.

They aren't to blame. Give them a break.

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I only came to fusion on 9th October and nearly put off until 27th as a new version was coming out. But, with their promise I would qualify for a free upgrade I made the purchase anyway.

Previously I used Bootcamp and whilst it's a pain to have to re-boot at least it worked, my experience with Fusion is it's slow prone to lock ups and well; not what I expected.

I had hoped the upgrade to v3 would sort out some of my problems.

Yikes what a mess they're in today - The big launch and what a shambles!

Apart from the slowness of their site and the various errors I got today telling me I don't have a registered product when trying to upgrade. (I'm sure I have because I can see it online)

They for whatever reason reset my password twice. (helps if they told me that in the first place.) I'm sure I wouldn't pick 667*FRQ123 as a password, but at least its memorable. Not Smiley Happy

Sorry, but this doesn't bode well....Do they have a 30 day money back guarantee?

Jim W

0 Kudos

In response to:

They only expected 20-25 people to upgrade.

Thousands are trying.

They aren't to blame. Give them a break.


Wow, that's dripping with sarcasm. I do wonder how many people were able to successfully upgrade before the licensing servers went down.

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my update:

- whilst the website says I have registered my key, "has been recorded for your copy ofVMware Fusion 1.0 (for Mac OS X)"

- when I use the "Manager licenses" tools section of the web site I can't find it...

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I got the same response -- but I own and started with Fusion 2.0 - not 1.0. I'll come back in a week or two or three.

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