VMware Communities

Linux guest OS with Fusion 12.2.1 on Monterey/Intel has no network

I just purchased Fusion 12.2.1 to run on Linux VMs on my MacBook Pro. I installed Oracle Linux 7.9 off an ISO image, when the VM comes up, eth0 is detected (as an Intel Pro 1000 NIC) and becomes a ens33 interface. However, regardless of whether I boot it with bridged, "share with my mac" or "private to my mac" configured for the NIC, it does not get an IP address, no resolv.conf, etc so apparently it can't DHCP as I'd expect from my home network.

I'm curious what others have had to do to get Linux VMs on their network with Fusion.

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1 Reply

Apparently I just needed to put something like this in /etc/dhclient.conf and bounce the network

interface "ens33" {
  send dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  send dhcp-client-identifier 00:12:34:56:78:9a;

to get it to DHCP properly. I hope if helps someone else... 


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