VMware Communities

Lion Developer Preview


Has anyone been able to create a VM with the Lion Developer Preview? I know that Snow Leopard Server (and client) can be virtualised but what's the status now as both server and client are "one"?


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8 Replies

I know that Snow Leopard Server (and client) can be virtualised

For the record...

The Apple SLA for Mac OS X Client does not allow for it to be virtualized nor can it be done legally with VMware Fusion.

Only Mac OS X Server 10.5 and higher may be legally virtualized and only on Apple branded hardware and VMware Fusion is the only VMware Product that can be used to do this legally on Apple branded hardware.

As to Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview I doubt it will be able to be installed using the normal install process in the latest consumer release of VMware Fusion since it has issue with the latter releases of 10.6.x however either someone that has tested it of someone from VMware will have to comment on it.

Alternatively one might be able accomplish it through a different method like P2V as in creating a image of the physical install and writing it to the .vmdk (virtual hard disk) file using Disk Utility, CCC or SuperDuper!.

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I'm pretty sure the Lion seed is covered by NDA.

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Yes it's covered by NDA, but I don't see what the problem would be to say whether you've been able to install it as a guest in Fusion.

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This is most likely going to be a license issue, not a technical one, and since the current license isn't the EULA, there's no way for VMWare to know what will be allowed until we get closer to release.

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If you are a registered Mac developer, you should have access to the developer forums. There is a forum there for Lion Preview. The Lion Server preview has been successfully installed under Fusion 3.1.1. See the thread titled "Lion and Parallels" (I know, but believe me it is there).

Tom C.

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It is possible to do, but won't describe it here for now. The 2 issues seem to be:

1. Lion is under NDA - but does that involve just setting it up in Fusion? Would not be documenting features.

2. The EULA - well in Lion there is no distinction currently between Client and Server versions (just an installer option now). Also I think the ADC license actually does not include that in the terms but would have to find it again.

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Not an official statement, but my take would be:

We'd certainly like to hear about any issues people may have run into with Lion. For example, we weren't aware of the workaround from the thread conleyt referenced (thanks!), though I believe we have already fixed the bug internally. Please do tell us about issues like this, contacting us privately if necessary -- use your judgement.

On the other hand, discussion of features is not OK. Speculation about the EULA for a developer seed may be questionable (I'm not sure if the NDA covers this) and may not generalize to the GA version, so I'd prefer if people not go down those paths.

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I presume you guys are part of the developer program, so perhaps those conversations should be held in Apple's forums rather than here.  As much as we all would like to know what's up, that would be safer from an NDA standpoint.

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