VMware Communities

Making a Virtual Machine from a bare drive?

I have a boot drive out of a Win 2000 machine (the machine is now nearly dead)

that I'd like to turn into a virtual machine with Fusion. I can mount

the volume on my Mac desktop successfully (the volume is fine) and I

have "Converter" but Converter doesn't seem to be able to

make a virtual machine from the drive. Converter seems to want to have

the drive booted in a PC or needs the drive to be imaged using Ghost or

VMWare Consolidated Backup before it can make a VM out of it, neither

of which I have.

How do I turn this perfectly good Windows NTFS volume, that can be easily mounted on my Mac desktop, into a virtual machine with Fusion?

(If I absolutely had to, I could probably make the windows machine not

dead, but it seems a big pain to do so for the sole task of making its

boot drive into a vm on my mac.)

p.s.: since writing this, I've been able to resurrect the windows box, boot from the win 2000 drive, install converter, and run the "import Machine" wizard. I chose to have the local drive imported as a Fusion vm onto a second drive in the PC. It's now been running for 2.5 hours and still says "Creating target virtual machine..." with a completion estimate of only 1%. It's not a very fast machine, but it seems that 1% in 2.5 hours is evidence of something being amiss. I'd prefer to mount the drive on my Mac and do it that way, as mentioned above, if at all possible.


p.p.s. I stopped and restarted the import and it appears to be working. After seven hours, it's 84% complete. Here's hoping that it reaches 100% in the 60 minutes projected to completion.

p.p.p.s. Gee, this is starting to feel more like an online diary than a forum. Anyway, after restarting the process and waiting more than seven hours, it appears to have produced a .vmdk file. I'll see if Fusion can open it.

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