VMware Communities

Monterey Fusion 12.2 Windows 10 x64 - UEFI Secure Boot missing in Adv. Settings?


I have a Windows 10 x64 (Pro) guest VM running via Fusion 12.2 on a MAC OS @ Monterey.  This utility VM was recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro.  The OS type has been changed from Windows 8.1 x64 to Windows 10 x64 and later.  I am attempting to prepare the Guest for Windows 11.  I have encrypted the drive (via Fusion VM settings).  When I attempted to enable TPM I am informed that UEFI with Secure Boot is required (or something to that effect).  This option is not available within the VM Settings, Advanced Settings. 

Help - What could I be missing or should be checked next?


By following this procedure to convert the OS to UEFI - before enabling the UEFI VM options - I hope to transition to UEFI w/Secure boot successfully 🙂




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I removed the previously set Guest VM encryption.

I was able to convert the Windows 10 x64 VM disk to UEFI following the beforementioned advice (linked in thread origin).  I then shut down the VM guest.  *No snapshot created.

I created a new VM Guest and selected the UEFI w/secure boot option in the wizard.  Then took ownership of the previous guest VM VMDK(s).

The OS boots fine.  I then encrypted the VM guest and add TPM.  Success.

I still have no options for VBS or UEFI secure boot in the VM's adv settings (Picture shows what should be there but for me the options are not available).  Could this be a bug in Fusion 12.2 @ Monterey OS?




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