VMware Communities

Not enough memory error...

I have a MacBook 2.0 ghz with 2 gig or Ram loaded with the OS X 10.4.10. I am running the latest build of Fusion and Windows 2000. My problem is that for some applications, I get a "not enough memory" message when I try and print. Some apps run EXTREMELY slowly as well. Then others run perfectly fine (like Office). None of the apps that run slowly or give me the error take a lot of "horsepower" to run. I am having the same exact problem in Parallels. Any advice?

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4 Replies

How much memory is allocated to the VM? You didnt specify. I'm hoping no more than 1 GB. When you print, are you printing using Bonjour for Windows? Or you printing to a USB printer connected to the VM?

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How much RAM have you given Windows 2000? Under properties of My Computer > Advanced > Virtual Memory, do you have Windows automatically managing the size of the paging file? The reasons print drivers give for out of memory are not always related to resources, I've seen these kinds of errors on machines with a lot of free RAM.

When you see your system run slowly, keep the performance tab of TaskMgr open (Start > Run > taskmgr) and monitor the PF usage, it should NOT go above 85% of available resources.

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I have tried everything from 256 to 1024 megs of ram. All give me the same problem. Only one piece of software gives me the no print error. Three pieces of software open up VERY slowly. I am thinking it is all related. I print wirelessly through my network. I am using Bonjour for WIndows.

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I currently have 1 gig of ram dedicated to Windows via Fusion. Under Virtual Memory in Windows, I have it set to let Windows set it....it is currently set at 384 meg. I will try the TaskMgr thing that you suggested. As I watch it....the CPU usage is pretty low (below 20% most of the time). I just had to wait nearly 2 minutes for a file to open. This doesn't happen at all for most software...only on my worksheet generating software that I have (I am a teacher).

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