VMware Communities

Ongoing Shared Folder Issue

I just started playing with VMware Fusion and I am having trouble getting Shared Folders to work with my WinXP guest. I've read lots of threads on this, but unforutnatey, I have not been able to determine what is wrong.

I go to the settings and I click the "Enabled" checkbox for Shared Folders and hit Apply, but the check box immediately unchecks itself. I cannot get it to stick. I did add a shared folder and it shows enabled, but I cannot get the overall Shared folders settings enabled (happens with the Enable at power on check box as well, it will not stay checked).

I looked in the .vmx file, and isolation.tools.hgfs.disable is set to FALSE, so I don't think that is the issue. I also see the sharedFolder0 settings in the vmx file and present an enabled is true.

The VMware tools in the WinXP guest show that shared folders are disabled when I look.

I also have a SLES10 guest on here and I was able to share folders with that guest. It's just with this XP guest I cannot.

Any suggestions?


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1 Reply

tee hee i think i got it! was hacking at the same issue. ok, shutdown machine and

access that dialog thingy with the stubborn checkboxes. with it shutdown, select

'enable on startup' then start up the winbloz machine and it should be kewl.

altho mine did run thru a wacky chkdsk with lots of fixes on startup... hmmm?

but good luck to you!


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