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Operation on file "/dev/disk0s3" failed.

I'm running a Santa Rosa MacBook Pro, 2.4 GHz, and using Fusion to run MS Vista Business (service pack 1 installed). Starting a few weeks ago, and now nearly every time I use Fusion (10-45 minutes after booting), the program locks up. I then get the error message 'Operation on file "/dev/disk0s3" failed' and end up having to abort Fusion. Any ideas as to what causes this? Last night I upgraded to Fusion 2.0.2, but I've since had another crash. Any help is appreciated, as the unreliability here is rendering my virtual machine nearly unusable (I have no such problems when running Vista natively via Boot Camp).

There is an earlier thread (from a year or so ago) with people reporting similar problems, but no real answers. Help!

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4 Replies

I have quite a similar problem. Windows refuses to boot since yesterday, mentioning

an unrecoverable error while accessing file /dev/disk0s3 (don't know the exact

message since my version is French)

I tried to use ntfsfix that manages to repair it. I can mount windows' partition.

But whenever I load fusion, it almost hangs the machine, and after a few minutes

I get the error message.

Now windows can even not boot natively (bootcamp), neither normal nor

in command-line mode. The BSOD indicates an unrecoverable system


I have been using windows on this machine for a year and a half, both

in native and with Fusion/Parallels with NO problem. I switched to Fusion a few weeks

ago, and I really do not know what to do now.

Fusion is 2.0.2, mac os is 10.5.6, windows XP is SP3.

any help or suggestion would be really welcomed !


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Because the reference is to /dev/disk0s3 (or any other /dev/disk#s#) I would think your problem is with Mac OS dealing with that disk drive. Look in your Mac OS console logs and search for '/dev/disk0s3'. I had one incident where I had errors like that, and my external disk that my VMs reside on took quite a hit (had to repair with DiskWarrior), and still lost the VM that was trying to start up.

It is my understanding that your problem is on the Mac OS side of things, and I would at least suspect that the hard drive being referenced might be having some problems.

You can't blame Fusion if Mac OS is not able to provide the services Fusion needs to run.

Good luck & make sure you make backups on another disk when you are able to cleanly shut down the VM that is experiencing the problems.

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Hi i receive the same problem after long period (for a destop usage) 10 - 15 Hours, with the relese 2.0.2

I got the same poblem in the past, that i alredy solved and i have some suggestion. It may help also remove power management from windows machine (hd power save setting)

Now i get it back becuase i recreated the boot camp partition with a new windows setup, and after i will investigate well on the matter. In any case it is only a windows option that needs to be disabled, that causes the error. In past i fixed working in this way, but i did not remember exactly what i do, but i remember thigs related to power management, suspension and simila.

Try disable on guest suspend / hybernate and shadow copy. I have also verified antivirus activities but they seem not be responsable.

In any case there is nothing that is referred to a real disk faliure. Looing into vm logs it seem a sw problem.

i hope it helps, when i have news i will post them.

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hi i am back with news.

i worked a lot on it . I also gone back to fusion 2.0.1 relese, where i had no problems. and i noticed here a lot of problem too.

So i think that some apple update, has changed something in Leopard that causes this problem. My workaround (i have over 24 hours of continues working time now) is to remove shared folder and mirror folder, because in this way i remove the vmware fusion interact on two partition.

To access to the disks i used the smb / windows share (for Vista to gain access into a Mac share you have to change NTLM authentication inside gpedit.msc)

i also disabled in the mac power save for disk and pc (not for monitor)

Now it seem working fine. i will post other news

Try in this way.. i hope it heklps; Smiley Wink

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