VMware Communities

Possible RC 1 USB issue

I think I have actually had problems as far back as Beta 3 but I can't really be sure. I use a program called Igor Pro to write data acquisition code. My code works fine on regular PCs but in VMWare something strange has been happening for a while and I can't figure it out. The code receives ~3600 bytes from a GPIB to USB card, I have no problem when doing this on a regular PC but through 2 VM Windows installs and 2 different program versions of Igor Pro I have problems receiving the data on my macbook.

The first time it transfers it's fine, then after that the program either freezes or doesn't receive all of the data that was sent. It's possible it's a problem with the program but i'm using exactly the same thing that's working on our regular PC and have tried different versions as well.

If I send smaller amounts of data it works just fine though which is odd. It does take some time to send the larger amount of data, ~15 seconds, so i'm wondering if that could play a role in it getting messed up? Is there anyway that I could tell if its VMWare messing up or somehow the program itself? I love VMWare but this is a major problem for me.

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