VMware Communities

Problem with USB Device


i have a problem with an usb device and the cpu usage of the vmware in OS X.

i'm using the Beta 4 with a Windows XP SP 2 VM. When i connect my draytek isdn usb modem to the vm the cpu usage in OS X increases from 8 % to around 60%. In Windows the cpu usage is around 1 % and the hard disk isn't working.

When i disconnect the usb-modem the cpu usage decline to 8 %.

What could be the problem?

Thank's for the help.

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2 Replies

I too am experiencing the same thing with my Logitech USB Headset. It was definitely more problematic with b3 than it currently is with b4. I urge you to fill out a support request at http://www.vmware.com/products/beta/fusion/ so that this issue can be resolved before RTM.

FWIW, I have found Fusion's USB support to be far superior to that of other vitrualization products for OS X. Hopefully Fusion's USB implementation can be further refined to have minimal impact on the host's CPU utilization while devices are connected.

Just out of curiosity, what are the specs of your machine? I have a Gen 1 BlackBook with 2GB RAM.

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Thanks for the advice. I also think that the USB Support of Fusion is much better than in other products. So i hope they will fix the problem.

For your interest i'm using an MPB 15" Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM.

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