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Setting OSX Firefox Applications Associates to VM Apps

When I initially installed VMWare Fusion, and enabled application sharing, I discovered how cool it was that I could open files downloaded from Firefox in OSX inside applications in the VM. For example, downloading statements from my bank's web site as Quicken files, would automatically open them in Quicken for Windows running in the VM.

Recently, I tried switching over to Mac Quicken, which associated the OSX Quicken application with these file types in Firefox. I later concluded that I didn't like the Mac Quicen, removed it, and am using the Windows version still under VMWare. But now, Firefox cannot see the helper applications "Quicken Launcher" that was previously visible to associate files to in the Firefox Applications preferences panel. Now I have to download the files, save them to disk, and use "Open With" in the Finder to select the Quicken Launcher helper app (which then opens the files correctly in the Windows app in the VM).

Does anyone know if a way to get Firefox to see these helper apps again? It seems to be Firefox specific, as the Finder has no problem seeing the helper apps when I choose "Open With ..."

Here's what I've tried so far:

  • rebuilding the helper apps on the VM (shut it down, disable app sharing, open the VM package, delete the applications folder, enable app sharing in the settings, and restart - all helpers look to be there - and they do work in the Finder)

  • I tried to re-associate those files types in Firefox Applications preferences by browsing to the helper applications inside of the Virtual Machine package - but I cannot "Show Package Contents" from within the browser dialog box to actually locate helper application I need.

..... GOT A WORK AROUND ....

Ok - while I was writing this, I had an idea, and it worked, but it seems less than ideal. While the VM was running, I opened the VM package in Finder, located the Quicken Launcher helper application, and made an Alias of it in my OSX Applications folder. Now I can associate the Firefox Applications settings with this Alias, and things open fine from OSX firefox into Windows Quicken in the VM.

Is this the only way to do this? I don't remember having to do this before.

Thanks in advance for any ideas ...

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