VMware Communities

Shared folders needing VMware Tools

Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 6.33.11 pm.png

I have OSX 10.11.3 and VMware Fusion 8.1.0 and as you can see in the image, shared folders are unavailable until VMware tools is installed and running. But you can also see by the dropdown that, because of the greying out, VMware tools seems to be installed. So what's the problem? There might be a clue in that this situation has occurred after upgrading from VMware 8.0.x (can't remember the x).

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3 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi jimaltonjimalton,

Welcome to Fusion community!

You said in your post: "But you can also see by the dropdown that, because of the greying out, VMware tools seems to be installed. " -> Actually if Tools is fully installed without problem. 'Reinstall VMware Tools' should be enabled.

Could you please let me know your guest os? Is it a linux or a windows?

If a linux guest os, please run 'vmware-toolbox-cmd -v' in terminal to check tools version.

If a windows guest os. please check tools version by clicking VMware Tools icon in system tray.

Let me know the result. It would be helpful for us to debug for you. Thanks.

Best Regards,


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Dear Amanda,

Thanks for the reply.

Firstly, OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) seems to be Unix not Linux. In fact, by doing some research, I found that an organisation called The Open Group seems to be responsible for certifying whether an OS is Unix-like/compatible, and OSX 10.11 has Unix 03 certification (but I don't know the significance of that).

By the tone of the previous paragraph you'd be right to surmise that I'm not a unix expert (but am also not wholly unfamiliar with unix), and I blithely submitted your suggested command in Terminal, and the response was -bash: vmware-toolbox-cmd: command not found.

Note that before I submitted my query to the VMware Community, I searched the web for a solution and came across advice to submit a similar (if not the same) command as yours, but preceded by (I think) /usr/bin/, and I had to switch to being root first (su - root). But before submitting this (vmware-...) command I navigated to /usr/bin/ (if that was the directory path that preceded the command), and on listing the contents there was no vmware-... command evident, hence I didn't submit the command on that occasion. Being aware of that prior advice and experience, did you also want me to do something like switch to root and execute from a particular directory? If so then I think we might be clutching at straws. The upgrade from 8.0.x to 8.1.0 seems to have disrupted the installation of VMware Tools from its state before the upgrade; and before the upgrade sharing was fine so I assume the installation of Tools was also fine.

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Dear Amanda,

A minute after submitting my first reply to you I realised that I answered about the parent OS and not the guest OS. If you look at the image I submitted in my first post you can see that the dropdown list declares that Linux is running.

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