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Strange fireworks as VMFusion 2.0.5 starts up Win 7?

On a 2007 iMac 24" with 2.33GHz and 3G ram and 500 G drive --

I have VMware Fusion running on Snow Leopard with a Windows 7 RC 1 VM and whenever I start it up I get all kinds of flashing, graphic boxes, partial windows, distorted color version fo the Win logo etc popping around on teh screen until the VM settles into the light blue Win 7 pre-open screen. Is this typical or some problem of mine?

Also, when in Win 7, it seems the redraw time is awfully slow (like in Quicken, when resizing the window).

Also, when switchng from Window view to full screen view, the window first appears sort of where it was or centered on a full black screen, then comes some flickering as it converts to full screen. Again, is this standard? I ask because Parallels does this more seamlessly (though Parallels also just dumped my entire disk in a Kernel panic so I can't boot into it anymore).

Is the consensus that VMWare is more stable that Parallels? I mean, I know this it the VMWare board, but is that a major reason why people are here as opposed to using Parallels? Curious.

And many thanks.

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5 Replies

Keep in mind that VMware Fusion 2.0.5 under Mac OS X Snow Leopard is only experimental and also Windows 7 under Fusion is experimental as well. Unfortunately it is also quite normal, (although IMO not right), to see the bastardized dance of the Fusion display during the Windows 7 boot process and the same was true for Windows Vista. Under Parallels this process is near seamless, in other words, the display is resized from the size it was when you first started to the default size and then back to the size it was when first starting or the size set by the resolution settings in Windows and then stays that size. It is most certainly is not the epileptic seizure inducing display that it is under Fusion.

I for one do not oppose the use of any product that works and unfortunately I have found that VMware Fusion 2.0.5 under Mac OS X Snow Leopard just does not work in a manner that is productive and all features working properly and so have removed it from my system and have gone back to using Parallels which I had used before there was a GA version of Fusion and for me, at the present time, Parallels is working in every way that Fusion wasn't.

Now I will also like to say that while at the present time I'm forced to be using Parallels and that it has many nice features that Fusion doesn't it too is lacking some features and has its own issues however like I said earlier "I for one do not oppose the use of any product that works" and Fusion 2.x compared to Fusion 1.x was a dog in just didn't work well for me and was absolutely unusable under Snow Leopard and if Fusion 1.x was compatible under Snow Leopard I would still be using Fusion.

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Thanks for the note. As I thought both Snow Leo and Win 7 were "experimentally" supported, I guess I took that to mean "would work in a pinch and will get better shortly when we get a new iteration out the door," so I'm trying it out. Inasmuch as Parallels 4 just produced a kernel panic and a forced (power button) stoppage that resulted in loss of the entire Parallels VM, I'm not seeing Parallels as a savior just at the moment. I do own both, and both are up to date, but in all the time I've had both I've never suffered a loss of an entire VM in the way that I did with Parallels 4, and frankly, that scared me and made me think of going back to Boot Camp, which was always trouble free.

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When comparing virtualization to the use of a physical system and while they both have their inherent dangers nonetheless virtualization is inherently more dangerous and as such one must be more vigilant in backing up user data and additionally backing up the virtual machines themselves and being prepared to recover from a catastrophic event. In either case if you're not properly prepared to recover it won't matter which virtualization product you're using or what physical machine you're using or what operating systems you're using.

While many of us will experience similar faults not all of us will experience some of the faults others have and while I have never experienced a kernel panic under Parallels I have under Fusion however if I recall correctly I lost nothing more than what I was working on at that moment and rebooted of the Host and Fusion and the Virtual Machine I was working in started without further issue.

For what it's worth, in general, I prefer VMware products to Parallel products and use several other VMware products on both Windows and Linux platforms and I'm hoping that when Fusion 3.0 gets here it is everything Fusion should've been in the first place, although I be sure not to have any unrealistic expectations. Smiley Happy

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

FYI: the "fireworks" when starting up Win7 is known and has been addressed internally. Can't really say more then that, but I do appreciate the report.

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It would be nice if VM would open up beta to users again to at least take advantage of some of the fixes on road to RTM...

Right now I wish screen fireworks was worst issue. Unfortunately I have been encountering random "Memory_Management" BSOD's (0x0000001a) on my Snow Leopard / Fusion 2.0.5 / Windows 7 combo. Suppose I hoped it was a bit more matured upon upgrading. PLEASE release some beta's :_|

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