VMware Communities

Unity & USB MacBook Pro 2.4 Ghz Santa Rosa

I've been using Fusion with absolutely no problems - until now. i've just installed the new unity beta on my new macbook pro (2.4 Ghz, Santa Rosa) and it's not connecting usb devices. it sees the device (e.g. 4gb USB disk) but nothing happens! it doesn't auto connect, it doesn't connect manually. Everything works fine though on my Mac Pro. i've tried it with three different usb devices and same result - nothing happens.

Is this just a minor bug with the new Intel processors or....?

new install, xp pro



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50 Replies

Curious now - can you share what it was that changed?

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i'll keep my fingers crossed for a patch! Fact is that with no USB support Fusion is currently of limited use.

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Yeah, we're on it. Apple changed the USB stack slightly in these models, and we've got to scramble to keep up.

0 Kudos

Yeah, we're on it. Apple changed the USB stack

slightly in these models, and we've got to scramble

to keep up.

That's a very good thing, i've already pre-ordered Fusion and I ordered a MB Pro today.. so i'd be kinda jiffed if I couldn't use Fusion on it. 😛

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I am curious if anyone of VMWare can tell if such issues will be fixed in a free point release or in major release later on. I would expect that Apple hardware that break Fusion which require a update will be free? I hope so. I don't like buying new software because I switched to a newer edition of the MBP or MP. Smiley Happy

0 Kudos

I am curious if anyone of VMWare can tell if such

issues will be fixed in a free point release or in

major release later on. I would expect that Apple

hardware that break Fusion which require a update

will be free? I hope so. I don't like buying new

software because I switched to a newer edition of the

MBP or MP. Smiley Happy

VMware's policy is to not comment on future releases. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself, but given that Fusion isn't even released yet and they've said they're working on it, it seems like this is likely to be fixed.

0 Kudos

I found this internally at VMware and updated this bug some time ago. Although it shows itself on the new Santa Rosa based systems it would not be hardware specific necessarily forever. The version of OSx for Santa Rosa is slightly different. As magi said its a change in how they handle USB.

I can confirm a fix was identified and has been in testing.

0 Kudos

In this case, it'll certainly be a free point release (since we're not even at 1.0 yet! Smiley Wink )

In cases like this in general, where hardware or OS changes require us to change our software, we usually try to add support to our existing software, in a point release, where reasonable. I can't really use Fusion for an example here, since there's no history to go on, so let's talk about Workstation: it supports Linux and Windows host OSes. Linux tends to evolve quickly and break compatibility in minor ways, and we tend to support these in patch releases, so you'll see that we added new Linux host and guest OS support in 5.5.x releases after 5.5.0 shipped, and of course 6.0 supported everything 5.5.x did and more. Windows tends to evolve slowly and keep compatibility, so inside Windows XP releases there wasn't much to trouble us; Vista on the other hand required major reworking for us, so while we had experimental support (with some severe limitations) in 5.5.x, you have to purchase a 6.0 upgrade to get real Vista support. But, it took a lot of engineering work to make this work in 6.0 so we think that's fair.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of what to expect from us in the future... In general, we'd try to support new Apple hardware or OS releases with Fusion 1.x, but there might come a day after Fusion 2.0 is available that we stop maintaining Fusion 1.x, at which point you'd need to either upgrade to Fusion 2.0 or stay on hardware that Fusion 1.x supported. (And hey, you can't run OS X 10.3 on Apple's current hardware either -- same story!)

0 Kudos

Is there a work around for getting data from USB devices on these new Santa Rosa macbook pro's?

0 Kudos

No workaround. You'll need new software from us; it'll be coming soon. Thanks for your patience.

0 Kudos

Well, well: Just spend 2 hours trying to connect my WM5 Pocket-PC Phone to Active-Sync on my Fusion Installation (yes, I do have a fully licensed version):


Then I realized I was using my new 2.4Ghz MacBook - on my 2.0GhZ MAcBook (first series) everything was fine! All software and VM-Images were transfered 1:1 to the new MAcBook Pro.

It will show "High Generic RNDIS" as an option. But Connection will not take place even if I try to connect it manually.

I really DO need a very quick workaround since I do synchronize all my Outlook Data to the Phone.

I do NOT want to change back to Parallels again Smiley Happy

For any quick & dirty patch: toti@gmx.com


0 Kudos

Any news on this? Would really like to get USB working again.

0 Kudos

Yep - I can confirm that my identical, ported, VM doesn't work on my new MBP (2.4, 17, 4GB) either. Great. Now I have to keep taking the old machine to work....unless Parallels works. Will HAVE to give it a try...

Not good.

0 Kudos

Has anyone tried any ExpressCard USB adapters? I'm wondering if there are any out there that may work with OSX and VMWare. I may have to go pick one up from Fry's tonight and try it out. I fear the next beta which will fix this won't be out for a while.

0 Kudos

Has anyone tried any ExpressCard USB adapters? I'm

wondering if there are any out there that may work

with OSX and VMWare. I may have to go pick one up

from Fry's tonight and try it out. I fear the next

beta which will fix this won't be out for a while.

I doubt this will help, since you can't attach the ExpressCard directly to a VM, and I assume it'll use the same USB stack as OS X. Pat Lee gets back today, so perhaps he can give an update.

0 Kudos

I wasn't going to try to attach the expresscard directly to the VM. But you're right, if it's a problem with the USB stack itself, it probably won't help.

That makes me wonder... if they changed the USB stack because of new hardware in these notebooks, I wonder if those changes will be in place in 10.4.10, which will be pushed to everyone eventually. Surely VMWare has a relationship with Apple where they are getting development builds of 10.4.10.

Because VMWare is beta, I'm sure they are more worried about getting their software to GA status than testing their beta with OSX's beta.

But for the future, I would assume that once VMWare goes into GA, VMWare developers will be able to keep up to date with software revisions that Apple has coming and put out fixes/patches along side of updates from Apple that may break Fusion.

I guess part of my point here is, when 10.4.10 comes out, this may break everyones ability to use USB with VMWare if it is infact the stack that has changed.

Just an FYI, the Build for OSX 10.4.9 on my MBP 17" Santa Rosa is 8Q1058. My Mac Pro with 10.4.9 also is 8P2137. It is very typical for Apple to provide a different build for new hardware. The next point release usually brings the two in sync. And at that time, it may mean no USB for anyone!

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Yep. VMware is aware of this.

0 Kudos

Looks like this problem may be causing issues with Parallels too.


Post #7 confirms the user has the new Santa Rosa chipset Macbook Pro.

I haven't tried Parallels on my new MBP SR, so I can't confirm nor deny parallels works with USB on the SR chipset, but this post is encouraging that it's not only Fusion has an issue with USB.

I'm hanging tight, waiting for a VMWare update to fix this problem, and hopefully before the fully released "non beta" competitor. Come on VMWare. Please post an update so we can make sure the other forum is well aware that VMWare has found and fixed the problem in their latest beta! Smiley Happy

0 Kudos

Looks like this problem may be causing issues with

Parallels too.


Post #7 confirms the user has the new Santa Rosa

chipset Macbook Pro.

I haven't tried Parallels on my new MBP SR, so I

can't confirm nor deny parallels works with USB on

the SR chipset, but this post is encouraging that

it's not only Fusion has an issue with USB.

I'm hanging tight, waiting for a VMWare update to fix

this problem, and hopefully before the fully released

"non beta" competitor. Come on VMWare. Please post

an update so we can make sure the other forum is well

aware that VMWare has found and fixed the problem in

their latest beta! Smiley Happy

We are working on it! Smiley Happy


0 Kudos

I have loaded both VMware Fusion and Parallels (both VMs paid for versions) on my Intel Santa Rosa MBPro 2.2 GHz. Neither VMs are able to access USB devices, although both "see" that the device is plugged in. I have tried two USB thumb drives and a Palm TX PDA. Have heard nothing from Parallels (even sent them an email) about the problem, but switched to Fusion when I saw they are working on the problem and actually engage in a dialogue about problems in their beta program.

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