VMware Communities

VM Input unresponsive after Mac Screenshot

Hi All,

I have an issue that I'm hoping is operator error on my part.  If I try to take a screenshot from the Mac of the VM that is running (in my case Kali) it will perform the screenshot fine (Command Shift 4, spacebar) but the VM will no longer accept input.  If I do a partial screenshot (Command Shift 4, drag) the issue doesn't present itself.

Surely I am missing something easy to reenable input on the VM but I can't figure it out.

Thanks for any assistance.


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4 Replies

I see the same problem - although with an area-based screenshot too. I seem to have to reboot the VM (suspending and restarting VMware isn't enough).

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What version of Fusion, and what macOS version?

I've found that taking a screen shot when the mouse pointer is in the VM is a little tricky. I've found at times that the keystrokes can be intercepted by the VM.

I tend to move the mouse outside of the VM window so that the keyboard focus isn't in the VM.  Then Command-Shift-5 so that I get better control over what to snapshot (fuil screen, selected window, custom area) and where the result will go (sometimes I use the clipboard, sometimes into Preview so I can mark it up, and other times as a file to the Desktop).


- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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VMware Fusion Player Version 13.5.0

macOS Ventura 13.6.1

This is on a 16-inch 2019 MacBook Pro (Intel).

The Guest OS is Linux RHEL 7.6 (I'm likely to move to RHEL 9.2 shortly).

The symptoms tend to be that the mouse pointer changes to a slightly different arrow, and nowhere that I click does anything. Even suspending, quitting VMware and restarting and then restoring doesn't help. I try using Ctrl-Cmd to move the focus outside and back in again; try making full screen or not - nothing seems to help. I end up having to ssh onto the guest machine to reboot (or force a power down) - at least I've not found a better solution yet.

It's just happened again and this time I didn't even do a screenshot (I brought up the VMware settings as I was trying to find if there's an option to make mouse-clicks more visible during a demo; unfortunately that seemed to break things).


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This was happening to me as well. But I've just updated to 13.5.1 and now it seems to be working again (we'll see...)

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