VMware Communities

VMTools won't install

Recent Mojave Host upgrade and recent VMFusion upgrade to 11.01

I have a couple of Linux guests, 1 works one doesn't after the upgrades.

I can't seem to get tools to install on one of my Linux VMs

I just upgraded to Mojave and VMFusion 11 and one guest VMTools stopped working the other Linux guest works fine.  Both are Kali distros

I've run through the Tools install several times with the same result.  I follow the instructions according to the VMWare knowledge base page.

Install Tools

remove existing packages in /tmp

untar the package from the mounted cd

Run the install and accept the defaults

The installation runs through to the end with no sign of errors

However still no copy/paste and when you go to the menu it says "Install VMWare Tools" as if it's not installed. Smiley Sad

Reading articles I tried purging as below and then re-installing.. no joy. 

  sudo apt-get purge open-vm-tools-desktop

After this I checked the following and this doesn't seem right...

# tail vmware-556.log

*** snip ****

2018-11-17T09:23:51.145-08:00| modconfig| I125: vmmemctl is not configured.

2018-11-17T09:23:51.145-08:00| modconfig| I125: vmsync is not configured.

2018-11-17T09:23:51.145-08:00| modconfig| I125: pvscsi is not configured.

2018-11-17T09:23:51.146-08:00| modconfig| I125: We are now shutdown.  Ready to die!

Please help

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1 Reply

Just found this link that says Kali requires a different approach.  I tried this but not quite doing it.  The menu changed to "Cancel VMWare Tools Installation" but still not working.


apt update && apt -y full-upgrade

# Reboot now in case you have updated to a new kernel. Once rebooted:

apt -y --reinstall install open-vm-tools-desktop fuse


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