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VMWare Fusion 4.x not running on MountainLion

Hi there,

VMWare refuses to launch on MountainLion giving an annoying "you can't use this version of the application vmware fusion with this version of mac os x".

So, if you want to test how good ML is a host to VMWare, it's tough luck at the moment.



Addition by VMware Fusion Team:

VMware Fusion 4 works with Mountain Lion. The details can be found in the Team Fusion blog here:


Thanks for contributing to this thread.

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49 Replies

It also doesn't work overhere... It it a version check from ML of from Fusion?

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Wrong direction -- Fusion won't startup with MTL as the host. It gives the version error.

When I attempted to be crafty and run it from the command line (Terminal, cd /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS, then ./VMware\ Fusion --help just to see if it would give help), it pops up the OS X authenticator to install the kernel modules and other first time things and then I get a court martial from Colonel Panix.

I've tried this three times now and get the panic each time, so looks as if it's not gonna work quite yet.

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Woody, those users in the other thread have the preview/beta running as a Fusion *guest*.  This poster is asking about his *host* not able to install/run Fusion.

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Thanks Robert, I see that now...  I forgot I need to finish coffee before making replies! Smiley Happy

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same problem here when i start it from console mountain lion crashes totallly Smiley Sad

we need help from vmware 😉



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I am having the same issue. Does anyone have a patch or fix?

I am running VMware Fusion.app 4.1.1 on a 2011 Mac Mini Server.

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Just out of curiosity does anyone know if Paralles virtualization product is working on Mountain Lion.

I love VMWare but if VMWare can't fix this I am switching to the competition.

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Well, I'm guessing like every other developer, vmware got a copy of MTL yesterday, so only giving them a day before pulling the plug seems a little harsh. Were this a release, I might agree, but beta 1 of a product that no one knew was coming? That's why you install on a separate partition or a "non-production system."

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Count me as part of the group that keeps getting a kernel panic with MTL. It appeared to be installing correctly but then fails.

This may have something to do with the GPU. I'm running a mid-2010 MBP that uses two GPUs. MTL doesn't support the internal Intel graphics module, so it may be that it fails before the NVIDIA can kick in and VMWare Tools can be installed. Just a guess.

Anyway, we'll have to wait for VMWare to unravel the problem. Now that Apple has announced that they will be upgrading the OS annually, it looks like VMWare will have to step up the pace a bit aas well.

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It's dev preview #1, only out for 24 hours.  To make threats that you're going to switch if VMWare can't make it work is absurd, and a totally unrealistic expectation. 

Of course they're going to make it work.

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Who's is threatening to "switch?" This is just a forum posting regarding the issue of MTL causing a kp in the VMWare vm. I, for one, am happy that others took time out of their day to report it so that I know I'm not unique in experiencing the problem. I'm sure VMWare will identify the issue and address it. We're all aware that it was just released yesterday.

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Ron Lockhart wrote:

Who's is threatening to "switch?" This is just a forum posting regarding the issue of MTL causing a kp in the VMWare vm. I, for one, am happy that others took time out of their day to report it so that I know I'm not unique in experiencing the problem. I'm sure VMWare will identify the issue and address it. We're all aware that it was just released yesterday.

senqua in a reply above threatened to switch.

And *this* thread is about Fusion running on ML host, not the other way around.  Again, yes trying to run a complex software package like a virtualization hypervisor on a beta 1 of an OS is playing Russian Roulette...

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Based on Parallel's boards, their version is also not running under 10.8 Preview 1.

I have been a VMWare user since their original 1st beta on Windows. I have tried Parallels at various times, and although this or that feature or the performance might be "ahead", I have never found the stability I want. From desktop development to our servers, we are using VMware with good results.

I just tried Parallels 7 for gaming, and erased it after wasting a couple of hours. Their OpenGL did not work well for older games.

For now, Mountain Lion is a guest rather than host... probably a good thing.

But my Air is craving the new stuff, I can feel it  😉

-- Harald

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Mountain Lion seems to run OK as a guest in Parallels Desktop 7, also with the Parallels Tools installed; but one glitch is that authentication dialogs don't seem to work, at least inside the System Preferences (so some settings can't be changed).

Edit: This should rather have been in the other discussion (Mountain Lion as a guest).

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and running vmware fusion as host on MountainLion?

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Ok so I am really from the Parallels forums and primarily use Parallels but I figured I'd try and get VMWare Fusion going for you guys.

Blog post

I was sucessful but I have not done thorough testing so there might be some things that don't quite work right.  Most notably are the graphics on the buttons of the toolbar (see my screenshot.) Edit: After a reboot they seem to be back. I have tested VMWare Fusion 4.1.0 and 4.1.1.

First things first, you have to be in 32-bit mode just as we do for Parallels.  32-bit mode means you lose the ability to connect to network shares (afp and smb) but VMWare Fusion works.  You can also switch back and forth if you need network shares but you wont be able to do both at the same time.

Ok to get it going,

  1. Reboot, as soon as you hit reboot just hold 3&2 until you get the Apple AND spinning wheel.  (This gets you to 32-bit mode.)
  2. Run the launcher from below. (they're all the same).

Wupload VMWare Fusion 4.X Launcher Link

Fileserve VMWare Fusion 4.X Launcher Link

Netload VMWare Fusion 4.X Launcher Link

That's It.  Enjoy.

P.S. Don't bother trying to run the launcher or open VMWare Fusion in 64-bit mode.  You will just get to reboot after the kernel panic. Smiley Happy A 64-bit compatible fix will have to come from VMWare as one of their kexts needs fixed.

Edited: Made it into a launcher so you don't have to use terminal or leave the terminal window open.  The replaced steps were:

     2. Now open up a terminal window.

     3. Run this command: sudo "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/VMware Fusion"

Screen Shot 2012-02-20 at 2.47.08 AM.png

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Thanks that workaround works Smiley Happy But do not try to run the guest vm into fullscreen view -  os x 10.6 will freeze Smiley Sad

hopefully the 64 bit mode gets fixed....

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Keep in mind that 10.8 may very well be 64-bit only in a future iteration, so don't do this for production work.

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