VMware Communities

VMware disables the sound when I turn on Skype

As soon as I make a call in Skype (which is an application on my PC side) VMware Fusion sends me a message saying 'Sound will be disconnected", if I go back in settings and click enable sound it just keeps doing the same thing. I can't make calls or receive calls if I can't hear or the microphone doesn't work. This problem just started happening, it worked fine for two weeks.

I don't know if this problem is related to my other problem yesterday. I have fusion 2.0, and I have the newest Macbook. I installed VMware after partitioning my hard drive in bootcamp. I had internet (I have a wireless signal from an airport basestation which my Macbook picks up) on both my PC and Mac side and then all of a sudden my PC side stopped working. There was no internet. I had it set-up under the default NAT. After talking to Apple (no help) talking to Microsoft (no help, other than making me restore my machine to the day before)I finally figured out it was a problem with Fusion. I switched to Bridge later in the afternoon and the internet started working again. Then this morning no internet. I read some help forums a releases the IP address and renewed the IP address and switched back to NAT. That seems to have worked so far. Although I'm worried it's going to just crap out again. But now I'd really like to know what's happening to my sound.

Thanks for any help!

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3 Replies

Please provide Fusion UI log and vmware.log file.

Reference: http://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-1110

Also can you make sure sound on Mac machine works fine natively ?


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Same with me, running Fusion 2.0.4, 10.5.6, XP Pro SP2, 13" Macbook and it happens when I try to video chat with Messenger (using the Boot Camp iSight driver). Sound is on and works in the VM machine until I try to start a video call and then boom, "Sound will be disconnected" pops up and sound will not work.

Here are my logs.

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Hmmm, now it works fine. Don't know what I did. Weird.

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