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Video signal from Windows XP to TV with Fusion 1

I am trying to connect TV which accepts only 640x480 signal. MacBook has flexible video signals outputs. I tried to connect streaming video signal from IE browser using Bootcamp without success. Can I use Fusion 1 to have IE singal use host's (Safari) DVI output as it runs within Mac's OX system?

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.



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7 Replies

Do you have Apple's mini-DVI to video adapter, a $19 part? It will output your Mac's video screen in S-video or composite. I've used this for Keynote. If you put Fusion in full screen mode using this adapter you should be able to display anything from an XP VM this way. I don't know about Boot Camp since, I'm not sure if the mini-DVI connector adapter looks like a second screen under XP. It certainly does under OS X.



I will try it this morning.

By the way, would it work the same way if I went to VGA instead of s-video or composite as VGA offers a better picture?


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I don't know of any VGA compatible TVs but sure so long as it appears a second screen (mirrored) or you make Fusion the full screen on the output screen.

Good luck

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I just joined Netflix and am enjoying watching movies on my MBP 2.4GHz running Mac OS X 10.4.11 and Fusion/Windows XP Home Edition. I'd like to watch those Netflix movies on my TV from my MBP. I'm wondering if the Apple DVI to Video adapter would work with my setup? I haven't purchased it yet and would like to know before I do. Also, do you know if there is such a thing as a DVI to HDMI adapter that would work with my setup? I have a Sony WEGA (analog) TV and a Samsung (digital) TV. One last question concerns upgrading my Mac OS X: The Leopard disk came with my MBP, but I haven't upgraded yet. Will upgrading break my Fusion? It all works so well now, I don't want to do anything to disrupt it.

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I'm wondering if the Apple DVI to Video adapter would work with my setup?

You should check what sort of inputs your TV accepts - this is more a question of whether your Mac will talk to your TV, it's not really Fusion related.

Also, do you know if there is such a thing as a DVI to HDMI adapter that would work with my setup?

DVI -> HDMI adapters exist, and as far as I know, HDMI is just DVI + audio and a different connector.

One last question concerns upgrading my Mac OS X: The Leopard disk came with my MBP, but I haven't upgraded yet. Will upgrading break my Fusion?

Upgrading to Leopard requires reinstalling Fusion itself, but your virtual machines should not be affected (back them up if you do a clean install, of course).

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Also, do you know if there is such a thing as a DVI to HDMI adapter that would work with my setup?

DVI -> HDMI adapters exist, and as far as I know, HDMI is just DVI + audio and a different connector.

It's worse than that. HDMI uses unshielded twisted pair for the actual wires to get signals from one side to another, but it's a 19-conductor standard. The end result is that HDMI cables tend to be rather inflexible and heavy. I hate it and wish the standard would die or go optical.

Yes, adapters exist and cables exist. My TV has an HDMI input and I run it from an iMac via a Mini-DVI-to-DVI adapter then a DVI-to-HDMI cable. Works really well. To get a signal onto the TV, we just kick the Mac into Mirroring mode (rather than treating the TV as a secondary display), et voilà. We normally use it with Front Row to get an iPartment, but it works just as well with anything that can be displayed on the primary monitor. Ours is about 15' long, and we got it for around $20 at Fry's.

The easiest way to get a Windows app into full-screen on a TV would be to get an adapter that will let the Mac use the TV as a monitor. The adapter needed depends on the kind of inputs on the TV. From there, set the Mac to mirror its display and set VMware to full screen.

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Thanks etung and Bob, my 2007 Samsung LCD-TV has every kind of in and out video port from VGA to RCA to S-video to HDMI. It is my understanding that the HDMI will give me the sharpest picture. It is also my understanding that I will need a separate audio cable... one that will go from my MBP's headphone port to my Samsung's DVI RCA ports.

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