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Windows workgroup is not accesssible, No permission.


Mac running 10.5.1

VMWARE fusion 1.1.1

Bridged network setting

VMware running Windows XP Pro with shared folders.


The Virtual Machine knows about the "Workgroup", but when I go to browse it I get "Workgroup is not accessable. You might not have permission to use this network resource......". So I can not browse the network or see the Mac's or VM Wndows machines on it. I am logged in with the same user name on the MAC that is running the VM and the Windows VM is the same username as on the MAC.

The shared folders is checked on the VMware settings.

What else am I missing here?


John C.

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3 Replies

Fusion's Shared Folders feature has nothing to do with workgroup browsing. In fact, it's totally independent of your VM's and your Mac's network configuration. (That's basically the feature's reason for existence.)

When your virtual machine is in bridged mode, as long as other networking functionality is working, it's no different from a physical PC on your network.

Have you tried accessing a workgroup share from the Windows command prompt inside your virtual machine? I like to use the command line for troubleshooting share-access problems.

Notice that "/user:" flag; you can specify any server-side username you want, even a domain-qualified username such as "mydomain\brian".

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This appears to be a problem with Windows seeing a MAC. When I run my VM on another MAC on the network, I can see it. I just can't see shared directories on the MACs.

John C.

0 Kudos

Windows machines (whether physical or virtual) won't be able to access file shares from the Mac until you turn on Windows Sharing on the Mac. I see you have Leopard, so click on System Preferences -> Sharing, and check the box for File Sharing. Then click the Options button , and tell Mac OS that you want to enable Windows sharing by checking the box for Share files and folders using SMB.

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