VMware Communities

insufficient privileges to access file

I installed a virtual machine on my mac using VM fusion. I inadvertantly installed it while using the wrong account. I changed the permissions for the Virtual Machine file located in the Documents folder, but when I try to open it from the other account, I still get the error 'insufficient privileges to access file.' I've tried moving the files to the shared directory and into the Documents folder of the correct account, but I still get the error. It appears to me that there is another file whose access privileges I need to modify. Any idea where that might be?



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3 Replies
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Easiest thing to do would be to copy that virtual machine to an external hard drive, then to the user which you want to use it with. That usually bypasses the access levels (unless you have manually assigned ACLs to it). After it's tested and running, delete the old copy from the hd. Also using a CD, DVD, copying to a server and back or using e.g. an iPod to transfer to and back works.

Second way would be to first move the virtual machine to a location the correct user has access to, and then sudo chown it using Terminal (Applications/Utilities).

sudo chown yourusername "virtual machine's name"

You can drag the virtual machine to the Terminal window after you have completed everything but the virtual machine's name, and it will autocomplete the name and path. Press enter. Now the virtual mahicne would be owned by you.

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You probably actually want

sudo chown -R yourusername "virtual machine's name"[/code]

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that worked. thank you.


2007/10/22, etung <communities-emailer@vmware.com>:


A new message was posted in the thread "insufficient privileges to access file":


Author : etung

Profile : http://communities.vmware.com/people/etung


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