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panic soon after system wake with Fusion 1.1 on iMac5,2 with 10.5.1

Hello. I Apple Menu/Sleep with VMware Fusion 1.1 (build 62573) running XPSP2 with VMware Tools 7.6.2. When I wake the following morning, I often receive a kernel panic within a couple of minutes:

Tue Nov 27 09:19:29 2007

panic(cpu 0 caller 0x004014A4): "IOPageableMapForAddress: null"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.0.2/iokit/Kernel/IOLib.cpp:724

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)

0x347d7ba8 : 0x12b0e1 (0x455670 0x347d7bdc 0x133238 0x0)

0x347d7bf8 : 0x4014a4 (0x4963c0 0x496420 0x347d7c38 0x12fa3a)

0x347d7c28 : 0x34661ee7 (0x3e0e180 0x28 0x347d7c58 0x12fa59)

0x347d7c48 : 0x346654dd (0x3e0e184 0x0 0x24 0x40091a)

0x347d7c68 : 0x34665930 (0x79b1004 0x59418 0x347d7c98 0x34661dd3)

0x347d7c98 : 0x34666c9d (0x24 0x0 0x1 0x285ea000)

0x347d7d28 : 0x34660faf (0x79b1004 0x347d7ed0 0x3f 0x0)

0x347d7d78 : 0x200a2c (0x12000000 0xc00c561b 0x347d7ed0 0x3)

0x347d7db8 : 0x1f3e66 (0x347d7de8 0x246 0x347d7e18 0x1d803e)

0x347d7e18 : 0x1ea123 (0x5875870 0xc00c561b 0x347d7ed0 0x3)

0x347d7e78 : 0x362e18 (0x45f9de0 0xc00c561b 0x347d7ed0 0x347d7f50)

0x347d7e98 : 0x389778 (0x45f9de0 0xc00c561b 0x347d7ed0 0x347d7f50)

0x347d7f78 : 0x3da847 (0x4617560 0xb31a4e0 0xb31a524 0x7c0e790)

0x347d7fc8 : 0x19ea34 (0x50cc7a0 0x0 0x1a10b5 0xb31f2e8)

No mapping exists for frame pointer

Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0206e08

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: vmware-vmx

Mac OS version:


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31 17:46:22 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_I386

System model name: iMac5,2 (Mac-F4218EC8)

I have attached the system.log. kextstat reveals the only non-Apple kexts are the four vmware ones. Brother's ControlCenter, Butler, Growl, AppTrap and Vine Server are always running, in case that's relevant. No FileVault, no Time Machine, no virus scanners installed. A similar panic log exists in message 783951.

This problem also occurred with 1.1rc1, which I upgraded to at the same time as moving to Leopard, starting with 10.5.0. I don't recall similar problem with 1.0 under 10.4.10. I don't remember having the panic except in the first few minutes after a system wake from sleep. pmset hibernatemode is 0.

Should I turn on debugging and supply other files next time it happens?


0 Kudos
5 Replies

can you uninstall the VMware Fusion complately and reinstall and check

once you uninstall fusion delete following files and reinstall

1) Delete the folder: Hard Disk/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion

2) Folder/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusion.plist

3) Delete the folder: Home folder/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion

0 Kudos

Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it, but got another panic on the second wakeup with a fresh install - this time after 25 minutes of usage. Panic log similar:

Fri Nov 30 11:28:29 2007

panic(cpu 1 caller 0x004014A4): "IOPageableMapForAddress: null"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.0.2/iokit/Kernel/IOLib.cpp:724

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)

0x3c5cfba8 : 0x12b0e1 (0x455670 0x3c5cfbdc 0x133238 0x0)

0x3c5cfbf8 : 0x4014a4 (0x4963c0 0x496420 0x3c5cfc38 0x12fa3a)

0x3c5cfc28 : 0x345dbee7 (0x3e13180 0x28 0x3c5cfc58 0x12fa59)

0x3c5cfc48 : 0x345df4dd (0x3e13184 0x0 0x24 0x40091a)

0x3c5cfc68 : 0x345df930 (0x4d3f004 0x5ff19 0x3c5cfc98 0x345dbdd3)

0x3c5cfc98 : 0x345e0c9d (0x24 0x0 0x1 0x344e2000)

0x3c5cfd28 : 0x345dafaf (0x4d3f004 0x3c5cfed0 0x41028000 0x0)

0x3c5cfd78 : 0x200a2c (0x12000000 0xc00c561b 0x3c5cfed0 0x3)

0x3c5cfdb8 : 0x1f3e66 (0x3c5cfde8 0x246 0x3c5cfe18 0x1d803e)

0x3c5cfe18 : 0x1ea123 (0x6813000 0xc00c561b 0x3c5cfed0 0x3)

0x3c5cfe78 : 0x362e18 (0x4077030 0xc00c561b 0x3c5cfed0 0x3c5cff50)

0x3c5cfe98 : 0x389778 (0x4077030 0xc00c561b 0x3c5cfed0 0x3c5cff50)

0x3c5cff78 : 0x3da847 (0x45ef4a0 0x6a13740 0x6a13784 0xffffffff)

0x3c5cffc8 : 0x19ea34 (0x6980b00 0x0 0x1a10b5 0x6980b00)

No mapping exists for frame pointer

Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0206e08

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: vmware-vmx

Mac OS version:


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31 17:46:22 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_I386

System model name: iMac5,2 (Mac-F4218EC8)

0 Kudos

We haven't figured this out yet, but it sounds similar to .

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Have you ever seen it happen when you do not sleep/wakeup at all when you are running the VM? Most of these failures reported by users are on laptop machines, so I'm wondering if sleep/wakeup is a necessary condition for the problem to occur. We are never been to reproduce this particular issue in-house, and it frustrates us Smiley Sad

0 Kudos

Late response (sorry!), but no, only ever seen it on wakeup, if went to sleep while the VM was running. I don't really sleep the box much any more but I'll shout when I get round to using Fusion 2.0 properly if it re-occurs. You mention laptops.. my iMac is the GMA950-based educational one, which is probably nearer to the Mini/MacBook than your average iMac. Send patched mach_kernels out to people to do intensive logging? Smiley Wink

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