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parallels converted image starts very slow

I used the converter beta for a pretty simple Parallels VM (latest version)


converts and appears to work - but when starting up the VM it stays on

the "Setting up your personal settings..." Windows screen for about 2-3

minutes. My VM session built and installed on VMW is almost

instantaneous. I checked the Windows Log Viewer and noticed that some

parallels drivers were still trying to load. (first issue is you

cannot uninstall Parallels tools under a VMWare converted image without

doing a manual removal after a safeboot) No joy. Still very, very


I read the PDF and there was no mention of uninstalling Parallels tools before conversion. Might want to add that.

Next there is something seriously delayed when trying to run the converted machine.

Any ideas?

Anyway, thanks for listening.

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3 Replies

The process as of VMware Fusion 1.1 is use Importer to open a Parallels VM. While Converter works, Importer is even easier: just drag and drop. The docs don't mention to uninstall Parallels Tools because it's not needed. As you see except for some events that get logged there's no harm in having the Tools there. If you remember to uninstall them, that's a bonus. Maybe a reminder before importing a VM to remote the Tools would be nice but not strictly necessary.

I'm not sure about the delay in Converter you're talking about, there is some inspection that goes on and the conversion itself can be lengthy.

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I guess I wasn't clear.

I am using the "beta" importer and Fusion 1.1 - but you click "convert" in that utility. So the terminology here is easy to confuse

I am not concerned about the time to covert an image. I am saying that after the image is "imported" or "converted" the resulting image takes a long, long time to start when I load the resulting imported image. After starting in Fusion it stays on the the Windows startup screen that says "Loading personal settings" for a long, long time. Afterward everything seems to work fine. This delay does not occur if I load the Parallels image in Parallels. This delay happens every time I start that new image in Fusion.

Your idea of a message box that recommends uninstalling Parallels Tools in Parallels before converting is a good one. It may not be "necessary" but it creates a someone cumbersome manual process required to remove. (and if you really want to exercise all registry entries for parallels it takes a long, long time.)

Another idea to consider: when you select how you want to convert the disk you have two radio buttons: Allocate All Disk Space Now or Split disk into 2GB files. What if I don't want to do either and have a disk that dynamically sizes itself? If this feature doesn't exist it would be good to force the user to select an option. I converted a disk without checking either box and it seems to work (albeit with the slow Windows startup issue I described). If the feature does exist - why not add a 3rd checkbox or explain checking neither box means it will be that way after conversion?

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While I know this is a pain in the a** to do, none-the-less it may be the best way to narrow down where the problem is.

I'm assuming this is a Windows XP VM so with that said, click Start > Run type MSCONFIG then click OK or press Enter.

Use the System Configuration Utility to diagnose what is causing the slow boot.

I’d select Selective Startup and deselect all check boxes under that the reboot to be a base line and you should keep actual clock timings so you’re dealing with facts not perceptions. (So that means you clocked it before you start using msconfig too.)

Next check SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI and reboot, keeping time.

Now check Startup Items and reboot, keeping time.

Now start bringing back the System Services some at a time starting with Microsoft ones first then Third Party, etc, etc.

Obviously you have to look at what is loading in the Startup Items and bring them back a few at a time or in logical groups by Manufacture. As an example if there are 3 or four entries point to Symantec products line Norton AntiVirus group then together as you bring them back.

Again I know it a pain but sometimes it the fastest way to narrow down what area the problem is in or not in for that matter.

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