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print job doesn't quite finish in XP guest (1.1.3)

Newbie alert: I'm using Fusion 1.1.3, XP SP2, and OS X 10.5.3. My Deskjet is on my network as a Bonjour printer via AirportExpress, and works great in the native OS X environment. In the Win XP guest, it installed like a charm under WinBonjour, in bridged networking. I made it the default printer. And each session, the first print job works fine.

But, that print job never seems to quite...finish. After the last page, the printer keeps blinking, the job stays in the (Windows) printer queue, subsequent jobs never get through. As if it's missing some EOJ terminator. I've tried clearing the queue; power cycling the printer; rebooting XP; restarting Fusion...problem is reproducible. Then -- without changing a thing -- I can flip back to OS X and have no problem t'all.

Other than hitting the printer with a large rock (which is very tempting), any suggestions?

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6 Replies

What model DeskJet do you have, and, more importantly, what driver did you use for the printer when you set it up in XP with the Bonjour Printer Wizard?

- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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It's the Deskjet 5740. I'm using the "Deskjet 5700 Series" driver,


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An update -- within Fusion guest, I tried resetting the XP print spooler and clearing the queue:

net stop spooler

del /f %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.*

net start spooler

...and this doesn't really solve it. The printer keeps "blinking green" as if job in progress. BUT, if I wait long enough (2-3 minutes), the job eventually clears, and I can print another job.

Three other machines (one MB w/o Fusion, two WinXP laptops) use the same networked printer setup, same drivers, without a problem. Interesting...

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I sure you would rather print directly to the printer however have you tried sharing the printer in OS X and then setting it up in the Virtual Machine as a shared printer from OS X to see if there is any difference in performance?

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Thanks, hadn't tried that. So far, I can't get that path to work:

set "printer sharing" in OS X (both places); returned to XP guest and

Bonjour, which correctly sees that shared printer; installed with HP

driver. But can't even print a test page to that shared printer, nor

see a job stuck in a queue. So I have some mucking to do before I can

answer your question.

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When configuring a printer in XP that is shared from the Mac , use a postscript driver (usually the generic postscript would be good for a test), not the HP driver. The Mac printing system works in Postscript, and it does the translation from PostScript to PCL.

- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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