VMware Communities

restarting Windows after shutdown

The IMac was shut down on vacation. I cannot restart the windows on Fusion. I downloaded the most recent version Fusion so it is on my computer but I cannot open Windows.

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3 Replies

Whats the error you get when you try to poweron the VM? are there any licensing issues? Please elaborate the problem you are facing.

Anil Gupta

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I think I have had the same problem only it tends to corrupt the disk image and I ahve to load form the back up. VM will ask for a specific file so I locate the file but it accomplishes nothing and I have to restore from my actual backup, THe c drive properties shows almost no disc space on the properties tab but 30-40 gig on MacOS drive. I am going to try to expand the VM drive. On another note I made a vm of my thinkpad. How much of the Thinkpad "clone" can I remove?

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When I "Open" VMWare fusion I get a black screen headed by "Windows XP

Home Ed." and a bunch of writing. I have taken a picture of what it

looks like but I don't know how to copy or e-mail it. It is a black

screen and says stuff like: "Network book from AMD.... Client Mac

Addr:..... PXE-MOF: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.....

And, I can't get a normal Windows screen.

Is there anyone at VMWare I can call? I desperately need my Quicken

and can't access it on Windows.


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