VMware Communities

white rectangle on VM desktop


I have a VMfusion license.  Host machine: iMac.  VMs = Kali Linux & Parrot OS. 

I have noticed that whenever I launch the VMs and do updates I see a white rectangle file with no extension, no name and does not show up in `ls -la` command. This issue is found on Windows based machines (blogs) but I am not using Windows.

- I have run htop to see all programs running and don't see anything (could easily be missing something).

- I keep all my VMs updated and only download files I know, mainly from the package manager.

Everytime i see this i delete the VM as I do not know what this is and no one has posted about it for VMware. 


UPDATE: The mystery white file goes away when you shut down the VM and restart. On one VM I uploaded an image file to be my wallpaper and somehow it caused this file to be made. On the other VM it just appeared but went away after booting again. 

Do still wonder why i saw this previously without dealing with image uploads, just pkg installs.


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