Error Migrar vCenter

Error Migrar vCenter

Hola estoy tratando de migrar el vCenter de servidor fisico en windows a appliance, en el paso 1 donde tengo que correr el migration assitent no termina el proceso da el siguiente error "authentication failed for user postgres", y en ningun mmomento me solicita la contraseña pareciera estar registrada en algun sitio y esta fallando en la autenticación pero no se donde. si a alguien la a pasado y nos puede comentar seria de mucha ayuda


I have translated the question to English 

you can go with the following steps i hope it helps 


  • In the pg_hba.conf file (usually in C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vPostgres\pgdata),
    ensure md5 authentication is enabled for the postgres user.
  • Remove any redundant entries for the postgres user in pg_hba.conf.
  • Look for a pgpass.conf file in the %appdata%\postgresql directory and delete or move it.
  • Check for password entries in Windows Credential Manager or similar tools and
    remove any related to vCenter or PostgreSQL.
Hello, thank you for your response, but the PGDATA folder does not exist in my folder tree because I cannot go from your first recommendation, the step of deleting or moving the pgpass has already been moved, however it still does not work.
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1 of 1
Last update:
‎12-20-2023 03:04 AM
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