VMware Networking Community

Load Balancing Horizon UAG Servers: BLAST UDP Does Not Work


    We recently set up load balancing for our Horizon UAG servers using ALB (Avi).   We chose to use the "Single VIP with 307 Redirection" method for load balancing our environment.   We ended up having to look at Avi's site and VMware's site and a Vmware youtube video to get all the information we needed to set it up correctly.  But I digress.   We did get it set up and when we switched over it worked great, but we couldn't get UDP Blast to work,  only TCP.  We went over our entire network with a fine tooth comb and could turn up nothing.   Finally we found an out of date document on Avi's website that shed some light on what our problem was:  https://avinetworks.com/docs/latest/deploy-avi-for-load-balancing-uag-servers/  .   The problem was when we set up the redirect on our UAG servers we didn't specify what port UDP should use,  in our case 4001,  we just put in uag1.myserver.com:4001,  we figured that was good enough.  It turns out that only tells it what to do with TCP,  for UDP since nothing was specified it was still trying 8443 and of course when our VIP didn't respond to UDP 8443 it switched to TCP.  The correct format for specifying the UDP port is:  uag1.myserver.com:4001?udpport=4001  once that was configured Blast UDP worked perfectly.  Just wish the documentation was better around this,  I hope to save someone some frustration with this post.

Thank you!

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