VMware Networking Community

Slow Data Transfer and Conversion Normal?


I have an issue with the data transfer rate on my host and network connection to my host. I wanted to check wtih you all to see if that's normal, or something is wrong with my setup or server.

When I copy or move VMs or any data using the browse Datastore from one data store to another on the same host it's extremely slow. For example, I moved a 300GB file, I was expecting it to be very fast. 300GB at SSD speed *not considering increased speed for having multiple drives) should have been less than 10 minute, but after one hour it's only at 2%. Is there a setting that's not properly set for it?

Also when I convert a physical to Virtual with the Converter, I had a Mchine with 250GB C drive (only 80 GB of data)  and 2TB D Drive (Only 437GB of data), it took 2 days to convert then it got stock and 98% saying 20 minuted remainng. After another half a day, I killed it but the the conversion worked.

Storage 1: 3 x 8TB SSD in Raid 5 formation

Storage 2: 4 x 2TB SSD in raid 5 Formation

on a H310 Raid controller in Dell PowerEdge R720 with 2 Xeon 3.3 Processor and 128GB RAM

ESXi 6.7 enterprise Plus ( Itried intalling ESXi 7 but it wouldn't see the drives on my R720)

Any idea?


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Hi ANy help here?

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