VMware Networking Community

failed to deploy NSX Manager OVF template....Cause: A general system error occurred: Transfer failed: IO error during transfer of 'null': Unexpected EOF read on the socket.

Using VMware Workstation, I am attempting to deploy NSX 6.3.5 on vCenter 6.7 (which is deployed on ESXi 6.5) and it fails to upload even though I am pretty sure of the configuration. The following error message keeps showing up :


A general system error occurred:

Transfer failed: IO error during transfer of 'null': Unexpected EOF read on the socket.

You should first probably know that the VMware Workstation is installed on a Windows Server 2016 OS  on a remote host on a public cloud which I access via VPN.

The IP addresses of the vCenter and ESXi host resolve to the FQDN and here are some screenshots of the configuration:

1. pastedImage_0.png

2. pastedImage_1.png

3. pastedImage_2.png

4. pastedImage_4.png

Now when I wanna deploy the file again it stops me at step no.3 saying "Cannot find service '%s'"

Please try to help me as this is my bachelor graduation project!!

3 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Looks  like a DNS/Certificate issue . Can you confirm VC FQDN/IP is resolving properly from workstation machine from were you are deploying ?

Do check Transfer failed: IO error during transfer of 'null': Read timed out.

If you still not don't have any luck, you can deploy it directly on ESXI host instead of going via vCenter and run the setup command to configure all NSX Manager settings(IP/DNS/Gateway etc )

Sree | VCIX-5X| VCAP-5X| VExpert 7x|Cisco Certified Specialist
Please KUDO helpful posts and mark the thread as solved if answered

Thank you very much for your reply,

1.What do you mean with "certificate issue"?

2. The vCenter's IP address and FQDN is pinging from the ESXi hypervisor + resolving properly

3. Isn't deploying it straight from the ESXi host going to cause issues?




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I actually tried the ESXi step you mentioned but got the following error:

Import VApp


h aTask-ha-root-pool-vim.ResourcePool.importVApp-107733062

      Description: Deploys a virtual machine or vApp

Resource pool: State (restricted)

Failed - Access to resource settings on the host is restricted to the server that is managing it: ''.

In this case, is the IP address of vCenter

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