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Backup and creat Folders/ Datacenters in VIServer


I want to backup my folders and datacenter from my old VIServer.

I found a very usefull script for that but it dosent show me the Datacenters:

filter Get-FolderPath {

$_ | Get-View | % {

$row = "" | select Path

$current = Get-View $_.Parent

$path = $_.Name

do {

$parent = $current

if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path = $parent.Name + "\" + $path}

$current = Get-View $current.Parent

} while ($current.Parent -ne $null)

$row.Path = $path




$report = Get-VM | Get-Folderpath

$report | Export-Csv "c:\VM-with-FolderPath.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Is there a way to also write the datacenters in that csv sheet?

My next problem is that i want to creat new folders and also folders and Datacenters under these in my new VIServer.

There was also a usefull script i found: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1334740#1334740

But in that script "just" moves the already createt VMS in the createt folders.

And i have no idea how i can modify that script to creat folders and datacenters for me.

It would be great if there is an solution for my problem.

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You can try this to create datacenters and folders in other folder

$dc = New-Datacenter <nameof DC> -Location ( Get-Folder -Name <nameof folder>)
$folder = New-folder <nameof folder> -Location ( Get-Folder -Name <nameof folder>) 

And to export in csv file try this

$report = @()
$report = Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-View | % {
	get-children $_ ""
}|Export-Csv "c:\report.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Hope this helps.

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Can you try the following scripts.

First the script that writes the paths to a CSV file

$global:report = @()

function get-children($entity,$path){
	if(!("Datacenters","vm" -contains $entity.Name)){
		$path += ("\" + $entity.Name)
	$children = $entity.ChildEntity
	if($entity.ChildEntity -eq $null){
		$children = $entity.VmFolder
	foreach($child in $children){
		$childfld = Get-View -Id $child
			"Folder" {
				if($childfld.Name -ne "vm"){
					$row = "" | select Path, Type
					$row.Path = ($path + "\" + $childfld.Name)
					$row.Type = "Folder"
					$global:report += $row
				get-children $childfld $path
				$row = "" | select Path, Type
				$row.Path = ($path + "\" + $childfld.Name)
				$row.Type = "Datacenter"
				$global:report += $row
				get-children $childfld $path

Get-Folder -NoRecursion | Get-View | % {
	get-children $_ ""
$global:report | Export-Csv "C:\Folder-Export.csv" -NoTypeInformation

This script will create the Datacenter and Folder entries from the CSV file.

function Get-ViLocation{

	$loc = Get-Folder -NoRecursion
	$qualifiers = $path.Split("\")

	if($qualifiers.Count -gt 2){
		for($i = 1; $i -lt ($qualifiers.Count - 1); $i++){
			$loc = Get-Inventory -Name $qualifiers[$i] -Location $loc

$list = Import-Csv "C:\Folder-Export.csv" | Sort-Object -Property Path
foreach($entry in $list){
	$operation = "New-" + $entry.Type
	$name = $entry.Path.Split("\")[-1]
	$loc = Get-ViLocation $entry.Path
	$dummy = & $operation -Name $name -Location $loc -WhatIf


Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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