VMware Cloud Community

Copy-Deployrule problem

Hey there guys im in works of building an installation with Autodeploy/Image Builder.

I have setup several rules with different patterns and items.

Now something has come up which means i have to change some rules ill just write here what it looks like and what i want to change it too.

So the rule was deployed with the new rule command

And the active ruleset looks like this:

Name : destiny

Patternlist : {ipv4=}

ItemList : {x5, destiny, destiny_test}

So what i want to do is to change 2 of the items to something else the command i will do this with is :

Copy-DeployRule -DeployRule destiny -ReplaceItem x5, destiny01, destiny01

The out after this should be in the itemlist x5 destiny01 destiny01.

But what i get is an error message where he says Copy-DeployRule Cannot include more htan one container item {datacenter, folder, cluster}

Now the strange thing is that i tried this on another of the rules i had there it worked the exact same command.

Hopefully you have some hints on whats wrong.

Thx Boris

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