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Orphaned VMDK Script - calculate total orphaned space


This is the script I'm currently using. (I'm not copying here the complete version that includes like parameters, logging etc)

I'm using $orphanSize += $fileResult.FileSize to find the total orphaned space ($totalorphanedspace) on specific vCenter. However, the total that I'm getting using $totalorphanedspace is not matching the total value that I'm getting by manually calculating (from the generated report). can you please help.

foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters) {

$Report= @()

$arrUsedDisks = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | % {$_.Layout} | % {$_.Disk} | % {$_.DiskFile}

    Get-View -ViewType Datastore -Property Name,Browser,Host | %{

    $ds = $_

    $dsBrowser = Get-View $ds.browser

    $rootPath = "[" + $ds.Name + "]"

    $searchSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec -property @{


        details= New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags -property @{





    $searchResult = $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)

    foreach ($folder in $searchResult) {

    foreach ($fileResult in $folder.File) {

         #if ($fileResult.Path -notmatch "-ctk.vmdk|-delta.vmdk|-00000[0-10].vmdk|-rdmp.vmdk|-rdm.vmdk"-and ($fileResult.Modification -lt $DaysOld)) {

                   if ($fileResult.Path -match "-flat.vmdk"-and ($fileResult.Modification -lt $DaysOld)) {

         if (-not ($arrUsedDisks -contains ($folder.FolderPath + $fileResult.Path))){

         $row = "" | Select DataStore, Path, ProbablyOrphanedFile, SizeGB, LastModifiedOn, Host

         $row.DataStore = $ds.Name

         $row.Path = $folder.FolderPath

         $row.ProbablyOrphanedFile = $fileResult.Path

         $row.SizeGB = [math]::Round($fileResult.FileSize/1GB,1)

         $row.LastModifiedOn = $fileResult.Modification

         $row.Host = (Get-View $ds.Host[0].Key).Name

         $orphanSize += $fileResult.FileSize                               

         $report += $row







$ovmdkscount = $report.Count

$totalorphanedspace = ([Math]::Round($orphanSize/1GB,1))

$report | ConvertTo-Html –title "$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report" –body "<H2>$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report</H2>" -head $Header | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\$vCenter-OrphanedVMDKs-$Date.htm

$text = "$vCenter has got $ovmdkscount Orphaned VMDKs - Total Orphaned Space that could be reclaimed is $totalorphanedspace GB"

$text | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\ReportedvCentersStatus.txt -Append -Force

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Here is what I was saying about the $orphanSize = 0

foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters) {

  $orphanSize = 0   #   <<< since you want to tally orphan size per vcenter, for each vcenter you need to set it back to zero


  $Report= @()

  $arrUsedDisks = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | % {$_.Layout} | % {$_.Disk} | % {$_.DiskFile}

  Get-View -ViewType Datastore -Property Name,Browser,Host | %{

  $ds = $_

    $dsBrowser = Get-View $ds.browser

    $rootPath = "[" + $ds.Name + "]"

    $searchSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec -property @{matchPattern="*.vmdk";details=New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags -property @{filesize=$true;modification=$true} }

    $searchResult = $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)

    foreach ($folder in $searchResult) {

      foreach ($fileResult in $folder.File) {

        if ($fileResult.Path -match "-flat.vmdk"-and ($fileResult.Modification -lt $DaysOld)) {

          if (-not ($arrUsedDisks -contains ($folder.FolderPath + $fileResult.Path))){

            $orphanSize += $fileResult.FileSize

            $row = "" | Select DataStore, Path, ProbablyOrphanedFile, SizeGB, LastModifiedOn, Host

            $row.DataStore = $ds.Name

            $row.Path = $folder.FolderPath

            $row.ProbablyOrphanedFile = $fileResult.Path

            $row.SizeGB = [math]::Round($fileResult.FileSize/1GB,1)

            $row.LastModifiedOn = $fileResult.Modification

            $row.Host = (Get-View $ds.Host[0].Key).Name

            $report += $row






  #also the following 5 lines were originally not part of your foreach vcenter loop

  $ovmdkscount = $report.Count

  $totalorphanedspace = ([Math]::Round($orphanSize/1GB,1))

  $report | ConvertTo-Html –title "$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report" –body "<H2>$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report</H2>" -head $Header | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\$vCenter-OrphanedVMDKs-$Date.htm

  $text = "$vCenter has got $ovmdkscount Orphaned VMDKs - Total Orphaned Space that could be reclaimed is $totalorphanedspace GB"

  $text | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\ReportedvCentersStatus.txt -Append -Force


Not sure if that will solve your problem or not but that was a problem.

Alternatively you could add this to each of your rows:

$row.SizeBytes = $fileResult.FileSize

and then calculate the total size at the end:

$otherTotalOrphanedSpace = $report | Measure-Object -sum -property SizeBytes | select -expand Sum | foreach { [Math]::Round($_ / 1GB, 1) }

View solution in original post

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$orphanSize = 0

Does not exist anywhere in the code you pasted.  So as-is it would just keep on growing.

Have you considered keeping a size-bytes in the report, and then using measure-object -sum to calculate total?

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Sorry, I didn't understand.

Do you mind modifying the code as per your comments and copy the code here back please?


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Here is what I was saying about the $orphanSize = 0

foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters) {

  $orphanSize = 0   #   <<< since you want to tally orphan size per vcenter, for each vcenter you need to set it back to zero


  $Report= @()

  $arrUsedDisks = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | % {$_.Layout} | % {$_.Disk} | % {$_.DiskFile}

  Get-View -ViewType Datastore -Property Name,Browser,Host | %{

  $ds = $_

    $dsBrowser = Get-View $ds.browser

    $rootPath = "[" + $ds.Name + "]"

    $searchSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec -property @{matchPattern="*.vmdk";details=New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags -property @{filesize=$true;modification=$true} }

    $searchResult = $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)

    foreach ($folder in $searchResult) {

      foreach ($fileResult in $folder.File) {

        if ($fileResult.Path -match "-flat.vmdk"-and ($fileResult.Modification -lt $DaysOld)) {

          if (-not ($arrUsedDisks -contains ($folder.FolderPath + $fileResult.Path))){

            $orphanSize += $fileResult.FileSize

            $row = "" | Select DataStore, Path, ProbablyOrphanedFile, SizeGB, LastModifiedOn, Host

            $row.DataStore = $ds.Name

            $row.Path = $folder.FolderPath

            $row.ProbablyOrphanedFile = $fileResult.Path

            $row.SizeGB = [math]::Round($fileResult.FileSize/1GB,1)

            $row.LastModifiedOn = $fileResult.Modification

            $row.Host = (Get-View $ds.Host[0].Key).Name

            $report += $row






  #also the following 5 lines were originally not part of your foreach vcenter loop

  $ovmdkscount = $report.Count

  $totalorphanedspace = ([Math]::Round($orphanSize/1GB,1))

  $report | ConvertTo-Html –title "$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report" –body "<H2>$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report</H2>" -head $Header | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\$vCenter-OrphanedVMDKs-$Date.htm

  $text = "$vCenter has got $ovmdkscount Orphaned VMDKs - Total Orphaned Space that could be reclaimed is $totalorphanedspace GB"

  $text | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\ReportedvCentersStatus.txt -Append -Force


Not sure if that will solve your problem or not but that was a problem.

Alternatively you could add this to each of your rows:

$row.SizeBytes = $fileResult.FileSize

and then calculate the total size at the end:

$otherTotalOrphanedSpace = $report | Measure-Object -sum -property SizeBytes | select -expand Sum | foreach { [Math]::Round($_ / 1GB, 1) }

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Thank you for the detailed response.

For now, if I want to try option 2:

Instead of adding this $row.SizeBytes = $fileResult.FileSize to the code, can I do by utilizing the existing $row.SizeGB = [math]::Round($fileResult.FileSize/1GB,1),

as I want the report to show each vmdk size in GB and adding one more column with $row.SizeBytes  for each vmdk would not be beneficial in my case.

Or is there a way, I can use $row.SizeBytes = $fileResult.FileSize, but not show this value on report and just use for measuring the size as you mentioned.

$otherTotalOrphanedSpace = $report | Measure-Object -sum -property SizeGB | select -expand Sum

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You can exclude the $row.SizeBytes from your html by using select-object as shown below in red:

$report | select * -exclude SizeBytes | ConvertTo-Html –title "$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report" –body "<H2>$vCenter - Orphaned VMDK Report</H2>" -head $Header | Out-File $BasePath\$Date\$vCenter-OrphanedVMDKs-$Date.htm

Keep in mind, comparing this value to the sum of the converted GB values may result in a rounding difference.

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Thank you.

In case if any specific Datastore is inaccessible on some vCenter, how do we catch the exception and skip that Datastore. I'm seeing this error:

Exception calling "SearchDatastoreSubFolders" with "2" argument(s): "Datastore 'xxxxxxxxxx' is not accessible. "

At E:\Scripts\OrphanedVMDKs\OrphanedVMDKs.ps1:82 char:5

+     $searchResult = $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)

+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

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if you just want to keep it from bleeding on your screen when it hits a ds it can't access then replacing the line with this should do it:

$searchResult = try{$dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)}catch{}

Good luck!

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To log the inaccessible Datastore name and specific exception (error) details. Can I do something like this instead:

$searchResult = try {

                             $dsBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec)


                      catch {  

                      $Error = $Error[0].Exception.Message

                      Log-Write "On $vCenter - Datastore $ds.Name is not accessible. Error: $Error - Skipping the Datastore."


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