VMware VMUG Community

Illegal Seek error in shared folder

I am not able to compile, edit (with vi) as I am getting an "illegal seek" error.  This happens only in the shared folder.  My host is windows 7 (64 bit) and my guest OS is Ubuntu 11.04.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.  sk.

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3 Replies

I have the same problem (host is Windows XP; guest is ubuntu 11.04 with vmware tools 8.4.6). I have a shared folder but I cannot compile files on this shared folder (seek error). I also have seek problems when using 'vi' on the shared folder (seek error).

I was previously using ubuntu 9.10 and shared folders were working without any problem.

Is there already a patch to solve this kind of problems on ubuntu 11.04 ?

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I am getting Illegal Seek errors on files in a shared folder on an Ubuntu Linux 11.04 guest running on a Windows 7 64-bit host with VMware Workstation 7.1.4.

However, the exact same operations work on a shared folder in Ubuntu Linux 11.04 guest running on another Windows 7 64-bit host with VMware Workstation 7.1.2.

Seems like a bug in VMware Workstation 7.1.4 or the bundled VMware Tools. Both my systems are running on a disconnected network (not online), so VMware Tools are the ones that are bundled with VMware Workstation and have not been updated.

Am planning to experiment by downgrading the 7.1.4 system to 7.1.2 and reinstalling VMware Tools in the guest, to see if that solves the problem, or by copying vmware tools from the 7.1.2 system and installing them manually in the guest on the 7.1.4 system.

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Virtual Machine settings  
Folder sharing = Always Enabled
Make sure you have at least one Folder shared between the host and guest  On the Ubuntu Guest  
check /mnt/hgfs that you can access your shared folder  
update your fstab using the details below:  
gksu gedit /etc/fstab      
.host:/{shared-folder} /{path-to-mount-on} vmhgfs defaults,ttl=5,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0  
Restart your vm (You may need to restart few times or get error message saying unable to mount just skip the error and restart)
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