VMware VMUG Community

VMWare Converter : How to virtualize my environment

Hello All,

I am a total newbie for any type of VMWare activity in


I want to use VMWare convertor to build a VM Machine of

my main Home PC.

The configuration is as follows :



Partition 1: Windows XP (NTFS)

Partition 2: Ubuntu Linux


Partition 3: Linux Swap

HardDisk 2:

Partition 1:

Windows 7 (NTFS)

Partition 2: General Data (NTFS)


operating system used is Windows XP.

When I boot the computer it

runs in the following sequence:

1. GRUB BootLoader (with default

option to select Windows 7 Loader)

2. Windows 7 Bootloader Menu

(with default option to select Old version of Windows -XP)


Windows XP Bootlloader Menu (with default option to boot into Windows XP

alongside with Recovery console).

And the Windows XP starts

automatically everytime I boot the PC, with the option ofcourse to

select any other OS at the boot time.

How to make the VMware

image of this machine , also please guide which "Deploy.cab" file to use

and where to place its files. Which partitions to select. I want to

make a possibly true replica of this configuration in the VMMachine.


help is greatly appreciated.


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