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VMmark3.properties input parameters queries


I am very new to VMMark, I have been trying to understand all the parameters inside the vmmark3.properties and making sense out of them, but i need clarifications on few to ensure i have the right input parameters for my first run.

1. does the CLientCluster and SUT cluster both need to have private network enabled for them?

2. XVMotion and SVMoation LUNs do they need to be coming from ClientCluster OR SUT cluster?

3. ProvisioningDatastores needs to be coming from which cluster? SUT?

4. what about the Deploy LUNS they are needed for ClientCluster only ?

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7 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

1. does the CLientCluster and SUT cluster both need to have private network enabled for them?

    Yes, there needs to be private network that the client VM connects to the workload VMs on in the SUT cluster which is ther same network that the workload VMs communicate between each other.

2. XVMotion and SVMotion LUNs do they need to be coming from ClientCluster OR SUT cluster?

    SUT Cluster 

from page 60 of users guide and commented inside Vmmark3.properties file:

 SVmotion/SVMotionLUNs = <name of datastore to use for sVMotion workload; must be  different from the datastore(s) used for the Standby VMs>

  XVmotion/XVMotionLUNs = <name of datastore to use for xVMotion workload; must be different from the datastore(s) used for the DS3WebA VMs>

3. ProvisioningDatastores needs to be coming from which cluster? SUT?

    Both. - all workloads need a datastore(s) on the SUT cluster to provision VMS as well as client VM needs a datastore for the client VM on the client cluster.

4. what about the Deploy LUNS they are needed for ClientCluster only ?

    Deploy LUNs would be on SUT cluster.


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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Thanks @fredab2 for your response. appreciate it.

on the provisioning datastore question, so that means both the clusters can have their dedicated DS for provisioning right?. I am not clear as to what these below VMs should be getting DS from, as per my understanding these are Workload VMs so they should be getting DS from SUT clusters only. now where do I specify the DS for clientCluster? I am bit confused here.


ProvisioningDatastores = \

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Above looks good and the datastore for the client cluster is the line:


When provisioning the VMs you would also want the client datastore here too:

           ProvisioningClientDatastore = HDD-Lun1



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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi Fred,

I have made progress in terms getting the first tile deployed.. but i am facing an error with respect to the network connectivity and Vmmark run seem to have difficulty assigning the network for the client VMs

here is my scenario - i have client cluster and SUT both supported by the DVS port groups. i have separate port groups for the private network on these two clusters. as per my understanding the vmmark picks up the resources from the template vm that is available on the lcient cluster and also expected that the provisioningnetworklabel (portgroup) from the same cluster since it needs to change the rsources of VM before starting the clone process for deploying all client VMs. this would work fine i guess when its VM network on standard switch. however in my case i have separate DVS for client and SUT and also the port group is different name as well. so then the vmmark deployment of all the VMs works fine but its when the network assignment starts it cannot find the specified port group which is on the client cluster in the SUT cluster. how do i solve this issue? 

Also does vmmark pickup from where it failed? how do i do that as well?


thanks for the help!

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

When using a dvswitch you must set the following in VMmark3.properties

ProvisioningNetworkType = dvswitch



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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

this is already taken care and hence the provisioning could happen.. the problem comes after the VMs are provisioned and network settings are to be applied.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

If I am understanding your topology correctly, you have 2 seperate DVswitches, one for SUT and one for client?  This will probably not work, the vmmark service was only designed to support a single DVswitch, rereading your error message seems to indicate that it might be using the wrong UUID for the switch.

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