VMware Communities

CompizFusion with 64-bit Linux on Windows XP SP Host

Has any one installed, configured and run CompizFusion on a Linux guest on a windows XP SP 2 host? Is it possible? This is my environment: Host: WinXP SP 2, Guest: Kubuntu 7.10 64-bit. I am running this Linux on a phisically dedicated HD. That is I have a duel boot and the Linux HD is dedicated to the Linux virtual machine. Windows OS does not have any acess to this drive.

I installed the lastest CompizFusion. I configured it but not working. That is, it is not presenting the 3D desktop. I do find that it may have caused a problem with VMware Tools. I am guessing at this because my desktop does not resize its self any more.

I just realized I have not booted the machine with this drive to check it out when running Linux natively... but will ask this question anyway for now.

Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies

We do not support OpenGL acceleration at this time (which I believe CompizFusion requires).

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Thank's for clearing that up for me.

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