VMware Communities

Problems with VM network adapter and Semiramis ERP-system (port 6668)

Hi everyone,

I've got here strange problem with VM Player 2.0 Windows and Semiramis (an ERP-system)

Semiramis is communicating via port 6668 with its server. After i've installed VMWare Player 2.0 i cannot login to the Semiramis-server anymore.

I've figured out the all VMware-services are okay and running. They do not intercept this Semiramis-communication.

It's the network adapter(s) which cause the problem. If i deactivate them i can login to the Semiramis-server successfully and vice versa with activated network adapters i cannot login. I haven't changed any of the files for network settings yet.

Does anybody have an idea how to solve this issue with the VMnet-adapters ?

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3 Replies
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Hi, I presume you're talking about the vmnet1 and vmnet8 adapters that are causing the problem. Do you have a clash of IP addresses with the Semiramis server and the adapter addresses? Use ipconfig /all to see the vmnet1/8 IP addresses.



thanks for your reply. Meanwhile i figured out that VMNet1 und VMnet8 are involved in the trouble. I configured a direct bridging with vmnetcgf.exe and disabled VMNet1 und VMNet8. In addition to that i turned off the VMware DHCP-service. Bingo, it worked.

The problem with Semiramis is that it is an java-based server application. To figure out all the ports i'd have to make a port scan while using semiramis, which is definitely not the easiest way. But by the bridging i succeded anyway.

Thanks for the reply.

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Please see third post for the solution.

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