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Anyone have Logitech Quickcam 9000 running in a XP Guest?

(I did do a search and found a lot of questions regarding this, but no answers.. )

So, I figured running a USB-based webcam would work. The setup is

XP(32) Host running Workstation 6.5.1

XP(32) Guest (tried both on a fully patched SP2 and fully patched SP3) DirectX support enabled in guest and the DirectX tool shows it's available. vmware tools are installed.

- Verified that the hardware is fine, was installed on another physical machine and worked.

- Downloaded latest driver directly from logitech's site

What happens in guest:

- Installed the driver, at some point the installer asked to plugin the camera

- Vmware passes through and the device is seen in the guest (recognizes a Logitech Webcam9000)

- the device manager shows both a (Logitech9000mic) device and a HID (Logitec9000camera)

- the installer then hanges infinitely trying to connect.

- if I unplug the camera while the installer is running, it says "Camera found" and the installer completes.

- Reboot

- Try to running the logitech app and it says can't find camera.... Even though it is showing up in the device manager.

Has anyone gotten this camera to work in a vm successfully?

What else is there to try?


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32 Replies

That's going to be tough... there's no model number written on it....

It is an el cheapo cam.. works fine for most basic usage.

Hmm... I could possible look through my buy account book.. but that's gonna take a while as i don't know exactly when i bought it (a year ago ? so likely not in store anymore anyways) and it was just a 12 euro camera.. i would take the gamble and buy one of the cheapest cams you can find.




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I have 3 QC 9000s on 3 different machines.

The cameras work beautifully from the XP32 and XP64 hosts but will not work at all from an XP32 or XP64 guest on any of the 3 host machines.

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Odd. I have a QuickCam 9000 and I just had it work inside an XP guest under Workstation 6.5.2. No Logitech drivers. Worked with Office Communicator on the very first try.

Edit: It shows up as "USB Video Device" and it uses XP's built-in ks.sys and usbvideo.sys.

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What Host OS are you running?


What is an "Office Communicator" - can you provide a version? - is this part of MSOffice?


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Without the logitech drivers, the camera appears in device manager as a "USB Video device", YahooMessenger in that VM reports "camera not present".

After installing the logitech drivers the camera shows in device manager as a QC 9000 but even the logitech app reports "camera not found".

OfficeCommunicator locks up after trying to acess the camera, cant even kill it from taskmgr after that and had to restart the VM.

I upgraded VMware to 6.5.2-156735 last night .. no change.

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The host OS is Server 2008 x64.

Office Comminucator is the client to MS Office Communications Server 2007.

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The alternative is to try suns virtualbox which is getting good reviews in the linux community, although until now I've been pretty happy with my VMWare workstation.

It's funny you mention trying VirtualBox to get the QuickCam Pro 9000 to work because I'm in the middle of that process myself and it's not looking so good. The camera installs just fine in a WinXP Pro (32 bit) VM in VirtualBox but just displays a black screen when trying to use it. (This is after figuring out how to get USB working in the first place in VirtualBox - for my Ubuntu 8.10 (64 bit) host it requires adding a line to /etc/fstab and making sure you don't have the OSE (open source edition) version of VirtualBox installed)). All I'm finding on Google are hits about other people having the same issues with webcams showing only a black screen in VirtualBox.

VirtualBox is fantastic in terms of getting sound to work flawlessly on a Linux host due to the native PulseAudio support but for everything else - like dual monitors and usb - I'd rather use VMware Workstation. If only VMware Workstation supported PulseAudio on Linux without having to wrap vmware-vmx in libaoss or padsp.

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So, I have an interesting development to report,

I have the Quickcam 9000 working in an XP Host/Guest. - Not under ideal circumstances, but working. What I did was very simple. Inspired by another webcam thread, I turned off USB 2.0 support for the guest. - That's it. I then installed the Logitech drivers in the guest, connected the camera when the installation software directed me to, and then it detected it!. After the installation, I removed the camera once, re-inserted it and then started logitech's software - and it's working! Update rate is very slow (it's USB 1.1 speed, afterall), but it's working. It's also a little buggy - the software locked up on me once, but It's working in another vm, on this machine as I type this.

So the logitech drivers are working in the vm. My conclusion is that VMWare has some work to do here. Workstation is not 100% USB 2.0 compliant. VMWare, please fix this. I don't know if I am going to get much better results than this, so I consider this thread done, unless vmware adds something..

In summary:

Workstation 6.5.2

XP32 SP2 (PAE Extensions) Host 4GB ram Core2Duo 2.66Ghz

XP32 SP3, full patched (Mar '09) guest, 1GB, 1 processor, directX enabled, USB set to 1.1 (2.0 box unchecked).

Logitech Quickcam 9000, driver (and applications) version 1180

FYI, I went back and enabled USB 2.0 support for the guest - and it broke the webcam - the software couldn't detect the camera. I then disabled USB 2.0 support for the guest and it started to work again.. So the problem is verified as far as I am concerned.

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Similar here.

I tested an old VistaImaging/3Com camera (pre-USB2) in the guest and it works OK.

Disabling USB2 support in the guest lets the QC9000 work.

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I tried turning off USB 2.0 support but it still wouldn't install into my XP client (Linux host) - Installation freezes during driver install.

I have found a solution though... VirtualBox 3.0

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I have it running with USB 2.0 in a Virtual XP 32-bit VM.


1) Install Ubuntu 9.04

2) Install the UVC Driver - You can find out compatibility from this site. (http://www.quickcamteam.net/)

3) Install Windows XP Service Pack 3 with the latest service packs

4) Download the latest logitech webcam drivers.

This is how I got it to work.


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Sounds good, except that my host OS is XP-64

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I will try it on Sunday. However, It should work without a problem.

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