VMware Communities

Beta 6 - VMware Tools re-install killed XP

As above - I have had a winXP sp2 (fully updated) guest running on a Mandriva 2007 x86_64 host for a week or so now (dual boot system - physical disk).

I had installed VMware Tools previously, but on my last bootup there was the message at the bottom of the VMware window that I did not have it installed....so I went through the install again, and since it was already there, it gave me the option to modify, repair or remove...figuring that "repair" would do whatever was necessary, I did that. It installed some new files, and then on restart - BSOD.

This happens whether I try to boot up under Linux/VMware (virtual HW profile) or natively (original HW profile).

Here's what the BSOD says:

STOP: C00021a

The Windows Login Process System Process terminated unexpectedly with a status of

0xc0000139 \{0x00000000 0x00000000}

The system has been shut down.

OK, I REALLY don't want to reinstall this thing and all of the Windoze apps again.

Is there a fix for this???

This install is on an IDE HD...I still have the previous XP install on a raw SATA partition (which VMWare won't work with) but if there are some files I can copy over to save my new install, please let me know which ones they are...!



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