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Can not open .vmdk file.. one of the discs is in use

Hi guys,

Been struggling with this for the past 4 hours or so.

I "suspended" my VM last nite prior to shutting down my computer, and now can not resume the VM.

I receive the following error message:

Unable to open file "T:\Temp Running\...\trash_vdisk-000001.vmdk";

One of the discs in this virtual machine is already in use by a virual machine or snapshot.

I have already backuped up this VM to another hard drive, and will be attempting any recovery strategies you suggest.

VMx file attached

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3 Replies

Look for the .lck files in the directory, if the machine is definately not running you should be able to remove the .lck files/directories, failing that, look at the bottom of the log file, it should say if it thinks for some reason its restarted.

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Just checked, and there are no .lck files in the directory.

Here is what I see in the tail section of the log: Around 7:05 is when I "suspended" the VM.


Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vmx| VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state suspended without reset

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vmx| CPT current = 0, requesting 1

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vcpu-0| Sync monModules(1).

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vcpu-0| E1000: Syncing with mode 1.

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vcpu-0| Done Sync monModules(1).

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vcpu-1| Sync monModules(1).

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vcpu-1| Done Sync monModules(1).

Nov 01 07:05:14.526: vmx| CPT: monitor ACKing mode 1

Nov 01 07:05:33.503: vmx| CPT current = 1, requesting 2

Nov 01 07:05:33.504: vmx| CPT: monitor ACKing mode 2

Nov 01 07:05:33.504: vmx| CPT current = 2, requesting 3

Nov 01 07:05:33.540: vcpu-0| Cpt monModules(3).

Nov 01 07:05:33.540: vcpu-0| Done Cpt monModules(3).

Nov 01 07:05:33.576: vcpu-1| Cpt monModules(3).

Nov 01 07:05:33.576: vcpu-1| Done Cpt monModules(3).

Nov 01 07:05:33.576: vmx| CPT: monitor ACKing mode 3

Nov 01 07:05:33.641: vmx| DUMPER: Modifying checkpoint file .\IIS_Webserver1.vmss

Nov 01 07:05:33.641: vmx| Checkpointed in VMware Workstation, 6.5.1 build-126130, build-126130, Windows Host

Nov 01 07:05:33.651: vmx| BusMemSample: checkpoint 3 initPercent 10 touched 165068

Nov 01 07:05:33.651: vmx| MM: Renamed L:\IIS_Webserver1\IIS_Webserver1.vmem to .\IIS_Webserver1.vmem

Nov 01 07:07:45.909: vmx| GuestMsg: Channel 0, Cannot unpost because the previous post is already completed

Nov 01 07:07:45.909: vmx| GuestRpc: Channel 0 reinitialized.

Nov 01 07:07:45.909: vmx| GuestMsg: Channel 1, Cannot unpost because the previous post is already completed

Nov 01 07:07:45.909: vmx| GuestRpc: Channel 1 reinitialized.

Nov 01 07:07:47.896: vmx| Stopping VCPU threads...

Nov 01 07:07:48.946: mks| Detaching from window system.

Nov 01 07:07:48.947: mks| MKSHostOps_Exit3D: 1, 0

Nov 01 07:07:48.947: mks| Async MKS thread is exiting

Nov 01 07:07:48.948: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0'

Nov 01 07:07:48.948: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'copypaste' -> '0'

Nov 01 07:07:48.948: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'copypaste' -> '0'

Nov 01 07:07:48.985: vmx| MKS local poweroff

Nov 01 07:07:48.986: vmx| AIOWIN32C: asyncOps=21014776 syncOps=11728 bufSize=404Kb fixedOps=424076 sgOps=14789125 sgOn=1

Nov 01 07:07:48.986: aioCompletion| AIO thread processed 21014776 completions

Nov 01 07:07:48.986: vmx| AIOWIN32: asyncOps=0 syncOps=0 bufSize=0Kb delayed=0 fixed=0 sgOp=0 sgOn=1

Nov 01 07:07:48.989: vmx| WORKER: asyncOps=1 maxActiveOps=1 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0

Nov 01 07:07:49.390: vmx| Transitioned vmx/execState/val to suspended

Nov 01 07:07:49.474: vmx| vmdbPipe_Streams: Couldn't read

Nov 01 07:07:49.474: vmx| VMX idle exit

Nov 01 07:07:49.475: vmx| Flushing VMX VMDB connections

Nov 01 07:07:49.475: vmx| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads

Nov 01 07:07:49.475: vmx| VMX exit (0).

0 Kudos

Just a follow-up:


This Virtual Machine has a Virtual Disc attached to it that resides on a different hard drive.

I had a 4 day backup of this virtual machine (and the virtual disc that's attached to it). Backup was made while VM was suspended;

I copied the files to a new hard drive; I manually edited the .vmx configuration file to point the Search path to the new location of the virtual disc, because obviously it's now residing in a differnet place.

When I opened the VM within Workstation and Clicked "resume", I received the exact same error message..

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