VMware Communities

Failure to start VM after cleaning snapshots

I was cleaning up my snapshots (deleting those in between) when suddenly the cleaning failed.I am now unable to start my VM or any of the other snapshots, and it shows this error

"File not found: D:\VM\Kali Linux for OSCP\Kali-Linux-2020.4-vmware-amd64-000002.vmdk"

However the file appears to be there, and when I click "Browse.." to point to it, I get another error message

VMware Workstation cannot find the virtual disk "D:\VM\Kali Linux for OSCP\Kali-Linux-2020.4-vmware-amd64-000002.vmdk". Verify the path is valid and try again.

The system cannot find the file specified

Cannot open the disk 'D:\VM\Kali Linux for OSCP\Kali-Linux-2020.4-vmware-amd64-000005.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

Module 'Disk' power on failed.


I am totally unable to boot my VM in any way. Any snapshot that I try to revert to tells me "An error occurred while reverting to a snapshot: The system cannot find the file specified."

Please help!

Edit: filelist attached


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1 Reply

According to the filelist.txt one of the required .vmdk files is missing (Kali-Linux-2020.4-vmware-amd64-000002-s009.vmdk)

Replacing this file with a copy of e.g. "Kali-Linux-2020.4-vmware-amd64-000005-s011.vmdk" (which - according to its file size - seems to contain just metadata) should allow you to access the VM again. This will not bring back any user data that was stored in the missing file, so expect some file loss, and/or corruption.

Best practice in such a case is to backup the VM's files/folder prior to powering it on again, or at least taking another snapshot.


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