VMware Communities

Help: Win7 Intermitent with WS 8.0.4 build-744019

Good afternoon.

I have recently upgraded Workstation 8 to 8.0.4 build-744019. Here is my config:


Windows 7 x64 Ultimate fully patched and updated


Windows 7 x86 Enterprise

60GB expanding VDD

1 Proc, 1 Core

2GB Ram

3D Graphic acc. ON

What else do you need to know?

I installed the new VM a couple of days ago and it is almost unusable. The VM works for like 10 seconds and then freezes for 10 seconds then repeats. I had this issue with Server 2008 when I migrated my Workstation 7 VM's to Workstation 8. Problem NEVER resolved. I do not see anything in the error logs. Has anyone had this issue? Does anyone have a solution for this? Please reply to my email n0nuf2@gmail.com (if possible) as I may not find my way back in here.



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