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How can I connect to a VM inside Linux using NAT via HTTPS?

Hi everybody,

I'm having trouble with NAT configuration. I have VMWare Workstation 7.0.1 installed on Ubuntu 8.04 on a server located at a dedicated datacenter. I successfully configured NAT so that I can access the VM web server via the host's IP and port 7000. What I want to know is, if it is possible to do the same, but instead to redirect traffic to port 80 on the VM, do it to port 443, so that I can use encryption. I already tried mapping a different port outside to port 443 inside, but I keep getting an error on my browser: Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.

Does anyone have an idea how I can correct this? Any help is hugely appreciated!


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4 Replies

I can't believe no one has an answer to this. There has got to be a way to do this!!

0 Kudos

read the file vmnetnat.conf

you need to adjust this section to your needs:

# Use these with care - anyone can enter into your virtual machine through these...

# FTP (both active and passive FTP is always enabled)
#      ftp localhost 8887
#8887 =

# WEB (make sure that if you are using named webhosting, names point to
#     your host, not to guest... And if you are forwarding port other
#     than 80 make sure that your server copes with mismatched port 
#     number in Host: header)
#      lynx http://localhost:8888
#8888 =

#      ssh -p 8889 root@localhost
#8889 =


VMX-parameters- WS FAQ -[ MOAcd|http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html] - VMDK-Handbook

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

0 Kudos

I already looked at that. The connection is being made. I can access the VM via normal HTTP, I got it mapped from port 7000 outside to port 80 inside. I can also SSH to the machine inside. What I CAN'T do is use HTTPS to access the webserver inside via a secure connection. There is no documentation online on how to do this.

0 Kudos

what about not using the Vmware NAT service and instead use the buildin Linux features ?

VMware NAT service is a very basic one ...

I would sniff the connection attempts with wireshark next - maybe then you see what is missing


VMX-parameters- WS FAQ -[ MOAcd|http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html] - VMDK-Handbook

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...