VMware Communities

Is VMWare Workstation Pro 'Functionally Stabilized' now?

After the Tech Preview of Workstation Pro 18 in July 2023, there has been no news on the actual release, and I understand the support life for Workstation Pro 17 has now been 'extended'..

I have been experiencing unresolved issues with the stability of the host vmware UI running under Wayland (Fedora 40), which also affects the clients, and the only effective workaround is to just use X11, for the time being.


Is there any news on planned availability of Workstation Pro 18, or - at least - an updated UI that works correctly with Wayland?

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I don't know where you got the idea that the Tech Preview was for "Workstation 18". VMware said nothing of the sort. The 2023 Tech Preview was released as Workstation 17.5 in October 2023. 

There have been a rash of issues found lately with Fedora 40 due to the switch to GNOME 46 as well as new releases of Mesa 3D and new 3D renderers in the GTK4 toolkit.  I would not be quick to blame Workstation.

I've had luck with similar issues with Fedora 40 arm64 on Fusion on ARM by either turning of 3D acceleration for the VM or forcing the GTK toolkit to use the 'gl' 3D renderer instead of 'ngl'. Fedora also indicates that they have pushed an update for Mesa (24.0.5) to their repos that appears to address rendering issues.  Perhaps something along these lines will help you.

Of course there are always the options of reporting the issues to the Fedora project (which might just tell you to report upstream to GNOME). You might be able to get a case opened with VMware, but Fedora 40 is not yet an officially supported distro. 

VMware "by Broadcom" has not typically commented on when new versions are going to released and what it will be called. Past experiences have been that a new version comes out late in the calendar year. But who knows what will happen after the Broadcom buyout. 

- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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