VMware Communities

Mouse stuck at top left corner when playing video

I'm having a pretty wierd problem with a Windows XP VM that I just installed. I discovered that whenever I start playing a video, the mouse starts getting instantly moved to the top left corner of the VM screen whenever I click either of the mouse buttons. The click always takes effect on the corner. When I move the mouse, things in the VM still respond to mouseovers so I guess the mouse is still moving in the VM. The only way I've managed to temporarily fix it is by switching to a different VM tab in Workstation. Minimizing the VM or switching focus to a host app doesn't do it. After the fix, I can continue playing the video without any mouse issues. The problem appears again the next time I start playing a video (or change the resolution of the youtube video).

This problem shows up when the VM is either in full screen or autofit window mode, but does not occur in unity mode. I tried playing videos on youtube and with Quicktime. Here are the system specs:


Windows 7 x64

VMware Workstation 7.1.3

Radeon HD 4850

i7 920



virtualHW.version = "7"

3D acceleration enabled


Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit)

VMware Tools 8.4.5

nothing else installed other than Firefox, Flash, and Quicktime

I have another Windows XP VM with hardware version 4 and it does not  have this issue. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the video  acceleration in the newer version 7 hardware.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: 3D acceleration does seem to be the cause. I turned it off and the problem went away. I'd rather not disable 3D acceleration though.

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