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Outlook 2007 Hangs when viewing emails with attachments when VMWare Workstation is running.

I have a bizzare problem.

When I'm running VMWare Workstation with a guest OS running then Outlook 2007 starts hangning (for 30-40 seconds) whenenver I click on an email that has an attachment (or embedded image, etc.).

If I use Outlook without running Workstation then it runs fine without hangning.

Anyone have any ideas here?



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2 Replies

Do you use VMWare Shared folders ? If you disable shared folders does this issue still occur ?

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I experienced a similar problem with VMware workstation 6.x. Opening any Office document from email attachment or from Windows Explorer on host would take 15-40 seconds.

I finally tracked my problem down to a third party window manager tool I was using for things like move to monitor/window shade/autoplace/autosize functionality. If the window manager tool was running and a VM guest started (most of my guests are WinXP), the delay shows up.

With the window manager shut down, the same documents launch in 0-3 seconds. Same if the window manager is started but VMware guests have not been started up.

I've been too busy to sit down and reproduce this on another machine for a bug report to the window manager developer, so this could any sort of conflict - OLE/DDE for document instantiation, clipboard problems interacting with VMware Tools, or window event monitoring conflict.


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